looking for support

Hi everyone, I was doing really well for awhile jotting everything down, doing my zumba etc and drinking loads of water when slowly it begain to unravel :( 1st my zumba classes stopped and then Christmas with puddings and chocolates came along and now here we are in Feb and I can no longer fit my jeans :( Finding it hard to get back into the correct routine or even just a routine lol But Jokes aside I have been trying, starting this week I have been getting up in the morn and jumping on the stationary bike to do at least 20 minutes, the other good girl thing I have been doing is WATER I had sadly stopped drinking it going for the pop instead, to be honest I dont really know why as water is much more refreshing. Anyways If anyone would like to add me as a friend so we can support each other, that would be great :)


  • roselee1213
    roselee1213 Posts: 8 Member
    I did the same thing during the holidays. Last year I lost 45 pounds, then it started with halloween candy, and then came all the pies during Thanksgiving... and it continued into December and I thought I would go back to TOPS (taking off pounds sensible)... but oh no I ate through Janurary and I did finally go back last Tuesday. Like I was saying last year I lost 45 pounds, well 40 pounds of that found me again.

    We need to hang in there, we will do it, by going back to TOPS, and my friend shared this site with me I think I may do better this year, and I pray that the holidays are better health wise in 2013.

    Hang in there.

    1 Corinthians 10:31 So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.