Help with dining out!!!

Hi everyone!

I'm off out for a meal tomorrow (proper home cooked italian!!) but I'm not sure what to have...

I'm craving pasta as I've had it once since mid-december! But I know this isn't going to be the most nutritional choice....

For starter I'm going basic, Melon and ham! But for mains, I'm stuck!

Please have a look at the menu, suggestions are welcome!!!



  • How about the penne arrabiata? That's always a good choice. Pretty much any tomato-based pasta dish (without cream or a lot of cheese) will be a lower-calorie option :)
  • charliehefferon
    charliehefferon Posts: 223 Member
    Hey Clare, thanks :smile: I'm not too fussed about calorie intake - I don't eat out often enough to care!! But I want it to be nutritional - pasta and tomato sauce really isn't full of good things for my belly :wink:

    Thinking something with meat in?
  • Italian food - my favorite!! I find that if I eat Italian out and I don't get what I want (opting for fish, as an example, instead of pasta), I go home feeling cheated and miserable. So, when we do go out, here's how I do it: Large Salad, dressing on the side (I don't eat a lot of dressing, but I will dip my fork into it and then get a large amount of veggies to go with it). I skip appetizer. I order whatever I want for my entree, but I either order the child's portion or I ask the server to bring me a takeout container with the entree because I'm trying to watch my weight. I've never had a server give me a hard time about this. As soon as my meal arrives, I put at least half of it in the container and I put it on an empty chair or hand it to my husband (out of sight, out of mind!). Then I eat slowly and enjoy every single bite of what I have. Sometimes need to do a little extra workout the next day, but totally worth it!
    Good luck & enjoy your meal!!
  • jst1986
    jst1986 Posts: 204 Member
    I'd have to agree with staying away from cream and cheese - I personally stick with bolognese or meatballs, just have to home that the meatballs aren't fried in a ton of fat.
  • I'm the same when I eat out, I'd rather enjoy my meal than worry about the calorie content of it!

    Do you like fish? If so the Spaghetti Con Tonno with tuna, olives and capers sounds yummy. If not, the Tagliatelle Trecolori also sounds good!

    I love pasta, this menu is making me hungry! Enjoy your meal whatever you choose! :)
  • ratherbeskiing
    ratherbeskiing Posts: 847 Member
    fish- or whatever how often do you go out... ENJOY IT!:drinker:
  • mbow1977
    mbow1977 Posts: 213
    Yeah if youre trying to be good, just go with a tomato based sauce, but hey if you dont go out too often, I wouldnt worry about it too much
  • If I'm going out I run the items that look good through MFP to look at the calorie count before hand, so when I arrive I pick that (it helps in another way - friends get annoyed because I take SO long to decide! Lol). If it's still fairly high, I'll have a light breakfast or lunch. And I'm a firm believer that you're allowed to splurge and go over your calories every once and a while. Not a lot, but as a treat.

    You got this! :)
  • ftballmom9296
    ftballmom9296 Posts: 70 Member
    I agree with tapdance66 enjoy the dinner where you are just cut your potions in half. If we go out to eat which lately is very often seeing that our two boys work in the evening and it is just my husband and I we usually share a meal or if by chance we r not feeling the same thing I only eat half. If you deprive yourself of the things you really want I find that you overindulge later on. I remind myself that this is a lifestyle change not just a quick fix. That being said are you never again going to eat the things you once loved because of the calorie intake or are we going to eat them in moderation and work hard to learn portion control. Good luck to everyone on this we can all do it just one day at a time. Remember we didn't gain it in a day we will not lose it in the day...