losing weight everywhere else apart from my tummy!

Hi all.

Just wondering if I can get some help, I've lost some weight everywhere apart from my tummy. When I stand to the side it sticks out but it is quite hard to the touch. I do light cardio (i walk everwhere during the day and it would be a quick 3.5mph walk or 4mph walk) and I do stretching and core strength workouts....not vigorisly but building it up. I just want it to flatten out already, I'm a busy student and a vegan. Please any help will be great. I have started to walk first thing before breakfast in order to try and shift this.

thanks in advance...now of to a two hour lecture! :D


  • Ascolti_la_musica
    Ascolti_la_musica Posts: 676 Member
    Some people just carry their fat differently, unfortunately. :-(
    My father in law lost a lot of weight recently. He looks positively bony now, save for the beach ball over his belt. As he continues to lose, it has gotten smaller. I guess that is just the last place his (and your) body wants to pull from.
    Core exercises are great, and so is cardio. Just stick with it and be patient. It will come off in time.
  • 12333beth
    my stomach is fairly flat - (only really in the morning hahaha) - and its not reaaallly dependent on your food. there is some thing known as skinny fat, and if youre not careful it could be you! ps it doesnt stick out much as you know it :')

    so yeah eat healthily ofcourse. but you need to vary your sport..so all you really do is walking (and i dont count this as exercise hehe) and to get rid of it you need to do a combination of weights/strength (sch as transverse abs workouts, situps, pressups, weighted squats, planks etc) as well as a combination of HIIT and cardio throughout the week. The Hiit will strip the fat, and reveal your built up muscle underneath that youll get from cardio+strength.

    but also, people will muscley abs do tend to have a thicker stomach, not a bulge, but just bigger because they have more substance there

    message me if you need more eh? :)
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Core exercises aren't going to shrink your stomach/waistline. Losing fat will, though. You didn't say what your bodyfat % is or anything like that, so I can't really comment further on that. Full body strength training is the easy, general answer.

    Other things you might want to consider are that your hard tummy it could be hormonal (time of month), or could be due to something you're eating that your body doesn't like so much (bloating, gas), etc.
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    all you really do is walking (and i dont count this as exercise hehe)

    There are lots of people on this site, including me, who've lost weight by walking. Statements like that scare people away from losing weight because they think they have to run or go balls to the wall at the gym. Walking is a perfectly acceptable exercise, and it's easy to get your heart rate into the aerobic zone when walking at a certain pace and/or walking up and down hills/stairs.
  • patentguru
    patentguru Posts: 312 Member
    Have you been accurately measuring your tummy, stand straight n suck in measure around belly button? Do again every two weeks or so. Your eyes play tricks (mine do), but the tape measure does not lie. Furthermore, I believe you lose the fat from all areas, i.e. a generally a thin layer all over the body. Thus, the fat loss will show up first in the joints and will be harder to see in thicker fat areas (tummy). This a long process- keep with it.
    Hi all.

    Just wondering if I can get some help, I've lost some weight everywhere apart from my tummy. When I stand to the side it sticks out but it is quite hard to the touch. I do light cardio (i walk everwhere during the day and it would be a quick 3.5mph walk or 4mph walk) and I do stretching and core strength workouts....not vigorisly but building it up. I just want it to flatten out already, I'm a busy student and a vegan. Please any help will be great. I have started to walk first thing before breakfast in order to try and shift this.

    thanks in advance...now of to a two hour lecture! :D
  • yksdoris
    yksdoris Posts: 327 Member
    people lose weight differently. For me, the last to move were my hips. I'd lost everywhere else and STILL my hips were holding on to that weight. But they're getting smaller now that all the fat elsewhere is spent up, lol. Just keep with it, you'll see :)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    do you do any strength training?

    crunches and what not will not flatten your stomach...everyone has abs, you just need to melt off the layer of fat that is over them to make them "pop".

    I would say go with three day a week total body strength training - deadlifts, squats, overhead press, etc and on off days run....Walking is good for you, but running is superior to burning off calories/fat...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    also, looking at your diary ..you have cals set to 1200 but hardly ever seem to hit that...I would try to make sure that you are eating at least 1200 calories a day...