Late breakfast?

This topic's probably been seen before, but I'm just curious. Here's the situation:

Today there's going to be a breakfast here at work, and it's at 9am. Now, for me, it's WAY late to have breakfast. I'm so used to eating between 5:30am and 5:45am, especially since I have to be at work by 7am.

I already at a bowl of cereal with milk this morning around 5:45. The good news is I believe the menu here contains eggs, sausage, bread, orange juice, milk, and possibly pancakes.

As a diabetic, since I've already had the carbs from breakfast, should I just eat some eggs and perhaps a small piece of sausage for the protein so I don't go over my 156-carb limit for the day? (Oh, and my diary IS open, so you can look at it if you like.)

Thanks in advance!


  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Why does it matter what time it is when you eat? I don't know all the ins and outs of a diabetic diet, but eat what you want as long as it works with your cals/macros and any blood sugar concerns you might have.
  • amyllu
    amyllu Posts: 432 Member
    Why does it matter what time it is when you eat? I don't know all the ins and outs of a diabetic diet, but eat what you want as long as it works with your cals/macros and any blood sugar concerns you might have.

    My feelings too. I have a very painful back and I take quite strong painkillers which means that more often than not my sleep pattern is all over the place but I just go with the flow and take my meals as and when it suits me. As long as I can keep within my calorie count I am perfectly happy about it. Adjust whatever you need to especially as you are DB.
    All the very best to you.
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    I have hypoglycemia and I feel best when I eat smaller meals 5-6 Times a day. I'm not diabetic so I can't say for sure but based on my experiences eating a decent amount of protein when eating simple carbs like pancakes will keep my blood sugar stable. You know your body best and how it will react to the extra carbs so if you feel you can have it with no side effects then go for it. Adjust the rest of the days meals to compensate or be over a little today as long as you start on track the rest of the week :)
  • OddballExtreme
    OddballExtreme Posts: 296 Member
    Why does it matter what time it is when you eat? I don't know all the ins and outs of a diabetic diet, but eat what you want as long as it works with your cals/macros and any blood sugar concerns you might have.
    This'll sound weird, but if I don't eat anything by 7:30am at the latest, my stomach growls badly, and I turn into one very mean grouch. It's just the way my body works for me. I've always had a problem with an angry stomach, even BEFORE I got the diabetes diagnosis last year. Sometimes it growls EARLY in the at times 4:30am. Even after a year, I'm still learning there's a lot to deal with. Not trying to make excuses, but I guess my body clock's been very used to eating breakfast very early in the day.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Why does it matter what time it is when you eat? I don't know all the ins and outs of a diabetic diet, but eat what you want as long as it works with your cals/macros and any blood sugar concerns you might have.
    This'll sound weird, but if I don't eat anything by 7:30am at the latest, my stomach growls badly, and I turn into one very mean grouch. It's just the way my body works for me. I've always had a problem with an angry stomach, even BEFORE I got the diabetes diagnosis last year. Sometimes it growls EARLY in the at times 4:30am. Even after a year, I'm still learning there's a lot to deal with. Not trying to make excuses, but I guess my body clock's been very used to eating breakfast very early in the day.

    And that's fine, but didn't you say in your original post that you already had a bowl of cereal? I guess I'm not sure what the issue/problem/question is exactly.
  • OddballExtreme
    OddballExtreme Posts: 296 Member
    And that's fine, but didn't you say in your original post that you already had a bowl of cereal? I guess I'm not sure what the issue/problem/question is exactly.
    Maybe I'm confusing myself, too. I guess the question is, to keep from adding more carbs than I already had this morning with the cereal, just have eggs and a piece of sausage for the protein, since they don't contain any carbs at all? I know protein is supposed to help keep from becoming hungry between 9am and 12noon (which is my lunch time), but I should get just enough to hold me over between those times, right? Just curious because I'm not so certain myself.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    And that's fine, but didn't you say in your original post that you already had a bowl of cereal? I guess I'm not sure what the issue/problem/question is exactly.
    Maybe I'm confusing myself, too. I guess the question is, to keep from adding more carbs than I already had this morning with the cereal, just have eggs and a piece of sausage for the protein, since they don't contain any carbs at all? I know protein is supposed to help keep from becoming hungry between 9am and 12noon (which is my lunch time), but I should get just enough to hold me over between those times, right? Just curious because I'm not so certain myself.

    I'm not sure it matters too much. At the end of the day you want to hit yoru calorie and macro goals. You can do that by not eating anythign at the work breakfast, by eating only protein/fat (then having less protein/fat the rest of the day) or by eating carbs (and then having less carbs the rest of the day).

    You have a set number of total calories, as well as goals for fats, carbs and protein, correct? How you distribute those calories throughout the day doesn't matter, so it's really just a matter of preference.
  • dnish53
    dnish53 Posts: 162 Member
    That is what I would do. Eggs are a good thing to eat and will help you not feel hungry.
  • jjlang25
    I call those the hungry horrors! LOL... I find that eating every few hours works best to keep you metabolism steady state. If you know there is a less "healthy" breakfast you are going to have you can plan ahead and make sure you start the day VERY healthily. .... ??