My next weigh in

After I lost 2 pounds on my 1st weigh in (Sunday) Im looking frd to my next weigh in (This coming Sunday) As I have been good and made good choices and have exercised. Need to keep it up. Im new to this site. Have lost 50 pounds in 4 months prior to joining and currently weigh 292 Pounds. My ultimate goal is 210. Maybe 196 at a stretch

But baby steps 1st. Love that clothes that havent fitted me in years are fitting again

Please add me if u would like to be friends
My name is David and im 35


  • Bing30
    Bing30 Posts: 32 Member
    Well done with your weight loss so far!! You've done great! :happy:
  • krazykim42
    yeaaaa well done on your loss. I only started to today after giving up 3 months of ww after staying the same... something got to work for me.... look forward to hearing any tips u have for new coommers...
    carry on with the good losses....