Always hungry...and I eat, and eat and eat!



  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    I've been on 1200 cals/day for 5 weeks or so and in looking at your post I'm thinking you need more protein and fiber. These both keep one fuller longer. It's worked for me thus far = I'm losing slow and steady and I'm not hungry. Hope this helps, good luck on your journey.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I find that adding a lot of fresh veggies to my lunch helps me feel more full without a huge calorie hit. It's pretty easy to have a container of these at your desk for snacking on.

    If your suppers are as low fat as your day time meals, you might want to add in some things like avocado to your lunch - the healthy fats can help you feel more satisfied.
  • Evachiquita
    Evachiquita Posts: 223 Member
    Try to eat more of your calories earlier in the day. That has really helped me out. Some recommendations are to eat 25% of your daily calories for breakfast. I often eat 4 times a day with the first two meals being the largest. Try reducing carbs, especially in your first meal. Eating carbs early in the day sets you up for blood sugar spikes, feelings of hunger, and cravings. I have been cutting back on carbs and eating lots more fat. I find that I'm not that hungry at the end of the day when I get home from work.
  • Italianyc84
    Italianyc84 Posts: 192 Member
    Some of you have very VERY poor reading comprehension. She said she eats 800 calories WHILE AT WORK, then goes home to eat dinner and altogether eats about 1450 calories a day. OMG.
  • More sleep can help as well. If you are not getting enough sleep it can affect the hormones that control appetite, (leptin and ghrelin). Shoot for 7 or 8 hours if you can. Also, use the bmr tool on the website to determine how many calories you need per day to create a deficit. Lets say you burn 2000 kcals per day through activity etc. You can shoot for 1500 or 1750 as you adust. 500 calories per day equates to about a pound per week loss (3500 kcals) and half a pound for 1750. Take your time and be patient with the number on the scale, it may take up to 3 weeks for the body to adjust. Be patient and consistent. Good luck!
  • I definitely agree with the previous posts. More protein and Fiber is definitely needed.
  • LokiOfAsgard
    LokiOfAsgard Posts: 378 Member
    Eat more!
    You need at least 1,200 calories a day and it looks like you're only getting 800.

    I eat 800 before dinner.

    So, eat more breakfast, like 400-700 calories is plenty. Eat a snack, have some lunch, another snack, then dinner. Eat at least 1,200 (Even after exercise) and I think you won't be as hungry :)
  • staciarose13
    staciarose13 Posts: 51 Member
    Guys, read the post, it isn't that long. She said she does, she just didn't log the calories from after she left work.

    ^^^This. She has said multiple times that she eats way more than 800 cals in a whole day. Geesh, people.
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    The soup's a good idea but I know I would be starving all the time if I ate cereal for breakfast and sandwiches for lunch. They just aren't very satisfying.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    It's not so much my ability to read. When there's a giant block of words, some tend to be glanced over. This is why I went to the diary.
  • dawnp1833
    dawnp1833 Posts: 264 Member
    I have to agree with those who have said eat a bigger first meal. Try eating the turkey first thing then saving the cereal for later in the morning.

    I don't know why but when I eat cereal in the morning, I'm starving all day long. But if I eat an egg or a protein shake or a turkey sandwich in the morning, I can get through until dinner without feeling hungry. This morning I had hot cereal at 6:30 and driving to work at 7:45 I thought I was going to pass out behind the wheel. I think it has something to do with blood sugar dropping as a reaction to the carbs or something - but I'm not a doctor or dietician, so I really don't know.
  • LokiOfAsgard
    LokiOfAsgard Posts: 378 Member
    For whatever reason, I find that I am often hungry during the day when I eat cereal for breakfast. What about higher protein, lower carb breakfast foods like eggs, turkey, etc? I even like to toss in some leftover broccoli or other veggies and cheese for an omelette to keep me full.

    Are you drinking enough water? Many times when I feel hungry, I will drink a big glass of water and that will actually help me get over the hump. When I want to chew/eat, but know I'm not really hungry, I have some sugar free jello or chew some gum.

    I'm a HUGE fan of Quest protein bars, too. Just had a chocolate peanut butter one for 160 calories and 20 grams of will keep me satisfied for the next couple hours before lunch.

    I don't have the time in the morning to cook breakfast. Even though I start the day with cereal I soon after have a turkey sandwich. In the past 4 hours I have eaten 36g of protein and am still hunger. I am on my 2nd 32oz bottle of water. I'll definitely look into the Quest bars tho!

    Peanut butter sandwiches have a lot of protein and calories! Fast and easy to make!
  • Melissa26point2
    Melissa26point2 Posts: 177 Member
    you can make egg muffins and take them as your breakfast, assuming you have a microwave to reheat them. I've seen many recipes online using eggs or just the whites, sausage, turkey, veggies and cheese. that would still be high in protein and lower in carbs. the cereal might be making you hungrier faster because of that.
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    I had that problem when I didn't eat protein at breakfast. Now I eat breakfast quiche "muffins" in the morning and I'm amazed at how much more filling they are. On Sundays, I make enough for the entire week. They reheat well in the microwave and can even be used for snacks. You can find the recipe at this link:

    I omitted the oil and used almond milk in place of the skim milk. I also don't mix the cheese in with the egg mixture, but sprinkle a little in each muffin cup on top of the sausage/veggie mixture before topping with the egg mixture.
  • blu_meanie_ca
    blu_meanie_ca Posts: 352 Member
    I'd suggesting booking a fasting glucose and 1 hr glucose test, just to be on the safe side. Everyone knows "Always tired, Always thirsty" , but always hungry (esp after a carb heavy meal like cereal for breakfast) *can* be a symptom of a blood sugar/metobolic issue. They are far more common than people are aware of, and worth ruling out (since 800 cals before supper and all that protien is not a small amount of food).
  • LadyPakal
    LadyPakal Posts: 256 Member
    Boil some eggs in the evening, put in fridge. Grab 2 for breakfast. Lots of protein and enough fat to keep you felling full for longer. Fat is not the enemy.
  • terilou87
    terilou87 Posts: 328 Member
    try having smaller but more frequent meals, say 6 times a day, this may help and make sure your drinking lots.
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    Try something with good fat content like almonds or peanut butter. I have almonds at my desk at work for that mid-morning hunger attack. If I try anything else, when I go to work out before lunch I feel like I'm starving.
  • For whatever reason, I find that I am often hungry during the day when I eat cereal for breakfast. What about higher protein, lower carb breakfast foods like eggs, turkey, etc? I even like to toss in some leftover broccoli or other veggies and cheese for an omelette to keep me full.

    This. Cereal is the least satisifying thing on earth to me. Easily digestable and sweet. Try something with less carbs...eggs, even bacon will help you curb your hunger for longer. Even lower carb protein shakes. We have about the same calorie allowance and macros feel free to add me, my dairy is open.
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    I'd suggesting booking a fasting glucose and 1 hr glucose test, just to be on the safe side. Everyone knows "Always tired, Always thirsty" , but always hungry (esp after a carb heavy meal like cereal for breakfast) *can* be a symptom of a blood sugar/metobolic issue. They are far more common than people are aware of, and worth ruling out (since 800 cals before supper and all that protien is not a small amount of food).

    I was just about to recommend this. It could be a metabolic issue or thyroid issue. I was in the same boat - eating lots of fiber, protein, and healthy fats - but I was STARVING constantly. My tummy would rumble even after a big meal, no matter how much I ate. It was so frustrating. Everyone would tell me to eat more veggies, eat more avocados, etc, and I WAS eating all that stuff.

    A fasting glucose and two-hour post-glucose test showed that I have insulin resistance. Now I'm on metformin and eating low-carb, and I don't have the hunger issues anymore. If I DO eat too many carbs, the hunger comes right back, so I have to be careful. The metformin helps control it, but I have to work at it too.