Do You Ever Gain Weight When You Weigh In?

Tomorrow will be my 2 week anniversary of starting this.. And I get so nervous that I am going to jump on the scale and see an increase in my weight. I have lost 4 lbs since I started (last weigh in was on Monday), but I keep thinking that I am going to step on the scale and see an increase. And this makes me really really nervous..

I have been working out, and only twice have I gone over my calories for the day. I have reduced my calories by about 1000 per day (to maintain my weight I would consume about 2300/day, and my calorie goal is 1390/day)

So, have you had any weight increases since you started? If you have, did it discourage you at all?
Or have you been losing for every weigh in when sticking to your calories and exercise plan?


  • patticarbjunkie
    patticarbjunkie Posts: 133 Member
    Options happens! I usually gain only 1 or 2 lbs and when this happens I get super frustrated. It is a life style change and you can do it!!
  • jjlibunao
    Options happens! I usually gain only 1 or 2 lbs and when this happens I get super frustrated. It is a life style change and you can do it!!

    Yes - totally! When I was with Weight Watchers, when I wasn't tracking points (or went over), I would pray JUST to break even. When I was "bad" that week, I weighed in the same weight or 1 or 2 over. It motivated me to be good again for the new week. Trust me - don't beat yourself up. I used to be "all or nothing" kind of dieter - I blew it this week, I might as well fall off the wagon. But now, I just quickly go back on track. MFP has helped A LOT with that.
  • henkemonica
    henkemonica Posts: 60 Member
    I didn't lose on my week 4 so I bought a new cloth tape measure, took all my measurements, put my scale out of sight, and promised my self not to step on it for another month. I will be weighing and measuring myself the first of each month from now on. Now when I go into the bathroom I don't see the scale looking at me. I think this will be better for me emotionally, less stress. I know I am exercising and logging in food diary, keeping my calories, protein, fat, carbs, etc in check so the weight will come off.
  • theundead
    theundead Posts: 51 Member
    Yes but then I would weigh myself the next day and it be down again, probably water related, and period time, forget it, no point weighing in because its always up.
  • lakingfish
    lakingfish Posts: 24 Member
    There are so many things that can affect the weight. Time of day, if you have eaten a lot of salt, etc.... The numbers don't matter that much. It's more how you feel. Also make sure to take your measurements. That's where you can really tell a difference. I went through a six week period of intense exercise and did not lose a pound. But I lost two inches around my waist and increased my stamina and strength. Don't let the numbers affect your mood. You know you are doing the right thing and it will pay off!
  • Erienneb
    Erienneb Posts: 592 Member
    Yes, I have fluctuations frequently. Sometimes I know about it ahead of time, because I ate late at night the day before or ate poorly or like today I knew I'd be up because of tom bloating, and sometimes I don't. Your body isn't in stasis and does not remain at one specific weight even if you work at it. Be prepared for some up and down movement as you continue along and embrace it as normal.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Yes...but here's what I do. I actually weigh daily..I only log my Friday AM weigh in...sometimes it's up from the previous friday and sometimes it's down...but when I weigh daily, I log that data into an app that spits out a nice little graph for me. Over the course of weeks and month you can see the general trend downwards. It is pretty difficult to see things early on as not enough time has passed and there aren't enough data points. Over the course of weeks and months is when you start to see it...also, you see it and feel it in your clothes. Of course, if daily fluctuations bother you, this may not be your thing.

    You have to keep in mind that weight loss...and weight in general is not linear. For one, you're going to have natural body weight fluctuations from day to day, and even within the same day. This is due to water retention/release and the timing of food/liquid in and food/liquid out. I can fluctuate 2-3 Lbs and sometimes more day to day and within the same day. I wish I could figure out how to put my graph on here, but I'll just give you an example of the last couple of weeks for me:

    Friday Jan 25 - 187.9 Lbs (official weigh in)
    Sat - 191 Lbs
    Sun - 189.5 Lbs
    Tues - 191 Lbs
    Wed - 188 Lbs
    Thurs - 187.3 Lbs
    Friday Feb 1 - 187.4 Lbs (official weigh in)
    Saturday - 188.4 Lbs
    Sun - 189 Lbs
    Mon - 188 Lbs
    Tues - 187.7 Lbs
    Wed - 188.5 Lbs
    Thurs (this morning) 188.2 Lbs

    As you can see, from the 25th Jan to Feb 1 I lost .5 Lbs...the week before the 25th weigh in I lost 1.6 Lbs...I've found it kind of goes that way for week I'll lose a little bit and the next week I lose more...but over the course of the time I've been doing this, it averages out to around 1.3 Lbs per week since I started on a 1 Lb per week plan.

    This week looks like I might maintain, which makes sense because last Friday I bumped my calories up from a 1 Lb per week loss to a .5 Lb per week loss...I do this every 6 weeks or so, sometimes to maintenance and it always takes a week or so for my metabolism to reset. I call this my "diet break" and it's just my way of avoiding plateau.

    I think I might keep it here though...haven't decided...I have 20 Lbs to go maybe, but I'm doing some weight training that would benefit from a smaller deficit. At a .5 Lbs per week loss, I would hit 170 Lbs in about 8 months...I'm not really in any big hurry though, and my focus has shifted from the scale to measurements with my weight training. It might not even be 170 Lbs as my goal weight either...I'm more focused on getting to a healthy BF% at this point...shooting for 17-18% for myself with 19% being the high end of healthy BF% for me. I figure I'll adjust my goals accordingly when I hit that 19%.

    Anyway, just stick with fluctuates. Most of that fluctuation is water. If you ever get discouraged just think about the fact (and yes it's a that to gain even 1 Lb of fat you would have had to consume 3,500 calories more than your maintenance level of calories. Good luck.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    My weight tends to fluctuate day to day, but if you look at the progress graphs over time, there is a definite downward trend overall. It helps to focus on the trend rather than on the specific data points since that is more inidicative of your progress anyhow.
  • LokiOfAsgard
    LokiOfAsgard Posts: 378 Member
    It happens. More often than not, it's only water weight.
    So don't fret too much if you do gain.
    The measuring tape is more your friend than the scale

    I wish you luck though!
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I think of it less as weight gain and more as fluctuations. I hover around the same weight give or take a few pounds. Some days I'm less, some days I'm more. I'm stable.

    I mean...if you gained, it's important to log your most recent weight so that you can better track your progress.
  • lelaspeaks
    lelaspeaks Posts: 163 Member
    Count on it and remember that it will be okay :)
  • MIM49
    MIM49 Posts: 255 Member
    I didn't lose on my week 4 so I bought a new cloth tape measure, took all my measurements, put my scale out of sight, and promised my self not to step on it for another month. I will be weighing and measuring myself the first of each month from now on. Now when I go into the bathroom I don't see the scale looking at me. I think this will be better for me emotionally, less stress. I know I am exercising and logging in food diary, keeping my calories, protein, fat, carbs, etc in check so the weight will come off.

    This doesn't work for me. If I weighed myself only once a month I KNOW I would have too big an expectation as to how much I would expect to lose--and failure to see the big pounds off would depress me terribly. I step on the scale daily altho I don't record my weight daily. A fluctuation of a pound or two is a reminder that I must strive every day to stick to the goals I have set for myself. I do measure once a month but I must some how do it "wrong" as I see very little change in measurements despite what my scale says. Maybe I don't pull the tape tight enough one month or too tight the next or place it in a different spot (altho I don't think I do this) The only real change I have seen is in my bust/boobs (disappearing) In fact my neck measured 1/2" bigger this month than last. I'll stick with the scale and if I don't like the number I'll just strive harder.
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    Frequently. Probably almost always water weight. Some days I'm magically 4lbs heavier. Next day I'll be back to normal. As long as the trend over time is downward you're good :)
  • jwilkes23
    jwilkes23 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been on a weight loss journey for two years now. I had lapband back in 2011, which landed me 140 pds loss. Well January of 2012 I had a major surgery (full abdominal hysterectomy with a bilateral oopherectomy. Well needless to say - I gained back a bit of weight 40 - 60 pds to be exact. I can tell you that I have been hitting it hard in the gym, and one thing that every trainer will tell you - don't ever use the scale on the basis for weight loss. You can trade up a pound of fat for a pound of lean muscle, and when you do - the scale doesn't move. Just continue doing what you are doing, and use overall measurements.. That includes weight, and physical measurements of chest, waist, arms, and hips. The best thing I have ever done was to take pictures... Pictures at the gym in similiar clothes, and then do a comparison.. That is the best method I have used to keep myself encouraged. P.S. I only weigh in when necessary, and my scale at home has been put up so that I don't get discouraged by those numbers :)
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Of course! It's perfectly normal and to be expected. Weight loss is not linear. As long as the trend is downward, you're good. I tend to lose weight 2 weeks of the month (in larger chunks) and maintain or even gain the other 2 weeks. Overall, I am usually down 3 to 4 lbs. per month.

    Here's my chart from the last 21 months:

  • RandiLandCHANGED
    RandiLandCHANGED Posts: 630 Member
    Yes. It usually fluctuates by 1 to 3 pounds.
  • fougamou
    fougamou Posts: 200 Member
    Yes, my weight is all over the place. Partly water, partly crazy scale that cant seem to give me the same weight twice (yesterday I got on it six times and the weight variation was about a 1 1/2 lbs all were different, today it gave me three consistent weights).

    I ignore those that my gut tells me are not correct and only record a weight gain if I get it more than a few days in a row.
  • RenfieldX
    RenfieldX Posts: 87 Member
    Yes, it's not uncommon to plateau for awhile or go up in weight some weeks. Try not to worry about it. One of the things that I wish that I'd done when I started out losing weight was to take my measurements. The first time that I hit a plateau it really bothered me until I realized that I'd gone down a full notch on my belt during the plateau period. Just because the scale isn't moving doesn't mean that you're not losing inches.
  • jnks1905
    Thanks for the encouragement of the not weighing in as much as the measurements. This really helped :0) its gets pretty lonely working and at best reaching my goal. It;s those times where you feel like its for nothing in those lulls, but like you stated do the measurements !!! I do feel so much better now that I've added doing aerobics 45 minutes a day and sometimes add a little sweating to the oldies.
  • jamimari777
    jamimari777 Posts: 101 Member
    I have gotten very discouraged by weight gain. But if I stay consistent, that weight falls off and I lose. When I started lifting I had to put the scale out of my head as much as possible. I lost inches for two months, but my weight stayed the same. THe best thing you can do for yourself is just repeat that consistency is what will make things stick. It's not about losing weight for a week, it's about long term.

    You'll get there. Just don't over think it. More working less worrying about if it's going to help - because as long as you are doing what you need to do, you'll reach your goals.