My Birthday Pledge

So, today is my Birthday. I thought, what better day to make a fresh start? I did really well for about two months, but then had a bit of a backslide. We moved around Christmas, and haven't been in the best shape financially, so stress eating/drinking has definitely been an issue. I know that's no excuse, just where I'm coming from. Anyway, things are finally looking up - all settled in the new apartment, and finances will be fixed next week thanks to Uncle Sam. My pledge is to do the best I can this year for my health and body, with an ultimate goal of 80 lbs gone by my next one. I think it's going to be tough, but absolutely within reach. Wish me luck!


  • kini324
    kini324 Posts: 239 Member
    Happy Birthday!!! You can absolutely do this!! I never, ever thought I would lose (and keep) the weight, but it's been two years and I'm still going.

    Best of luck!!!