Is it normal that I haven't felt well since starting this



  • nashsheri33
    nashsheri33 Posts: 225 Member
    i have a few suggestions

    i also have ibs and have found that the Lactaid brand cottage cheese and milk do not aggravate my symptoms. (there are other lactose-free brands of milk that may be cheaper, but idk about the cottage cheese.) also, my nutritionist told me that rice is the only grain that does not cause gas.

    also, here is a helpful web site:

    and, you may just have to figure out what foods set you off. you may find that you can't have a salad (or other vegetables - especially raw) unless you eat it at the end of the meal, as opposed to the beginning, which is what most people do. maybe it's a good idea to make sure you eat a little something every couple of hours, so your stomach never gets completely empty.

    i recommend staying away from sugar alcohol. if you read the ingredient list and something ends with -ol, it could be a sugar alcohol. examples are mannitol, xylitol, and sorbitol.

    fiber is important, but for people with ibs, insoluble fiber can cause problems. insoluble fiber is in vegetables and whole grains, and some fruits. it may be a good idea to reduce the amount of insoluble fiber, or at least reduce the amount that you eat at one time until you discover what the limit is. maybe peel the apple before you eat it.
    now, soluble fiber is good for ibs. some sources of soluble fiber include oatmeal, and the inside part of an apple. you can google 'sources of soluble fiber' to find more foods to eat. it might be a good idea to cook the hellz out of the vegetables, which helps break down the fiber a bit. unfortunately, it destroys some of the nutritional content also, but if you have to choose between not eating vegetables, and cooking them so you can eat them, the choice is clear.

    basically, the difference between the 2 kinds of fiber is that INsoluble fiber does not dissolve in water, and soluble fiber does.

    also i recommend yoga, which helps reduce stress, and stress is a big trigger for ibs.

    don't give up, sweetie. you can do it.
  • Makoce
    Makoce Posts: 938 Member
    Thanks. I thought I was doing good. I was seeing some progress. It's just a lot to feel sick all the time and the find out you're doing it wrong. Just one of those weak days you feel like crying. Ill get over it. Thanks for the tips. Ill defiantly pay attention to those things.