rollercoaster weight loss


so im getting really frustrated lately...i have been eating at my calorie level and weight is going up and down and up and down and im not making any progress. what do i do!


does anyone know a way to lose ten pounds rather quickly!


  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    According to your ticker you have lost almost 20 pounds...looks like progress to me :smile: Its not unusual to bounce up and down a bit...I do it all the time. The scale doesn't always tell the whole story. How do your clothes fit ? Have you been taking measurements? Lots of times when I am not dropping pounds I am dropping inches. Add more strength training to your exercise. Building muscle will help you burn fat more efficiently. quick is quick? Long term sustainable weight loss is better when you lose it sensibly rather than a crash diet. 1-2 pounds per week is awesome.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    If you only want to lose 10lbs you are going to have to do it slowly. Set your goal to 0.5lbs per week. With so little left to lose your body is not going to want to get rid of the weight so it will be hard and it will come off slowly. Don't try to take it off quickly. Losing weight too quickly or doing the wrong things will result in muscle loss. Eating at a calorie deficit causes it anyways (and no, sorry but you wouldn't of built any muscle so far to explain why you may not be losing).

    Eat at a small deficit and exercise... it will be slow so take your time and don't expect it to come off quickly.