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Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
I'm eating 3 meals + 2 snacks daily. Im eating extremely clean Low Carb, Low Fat, High Protein, High Fiber. Im drinking plenty of H20. My Calorie intake is always under 1000. I am doing 30DS + Jogging 40 mins burning about 420 calories each morning. Im 5'2 132lb BF 24%. My goal weight is 115. I want too look and feel lean and toned as apposed to skinny. My goals are to lose a lot of this fat while eating healthy and working out. How do I add calories without the extra fat and carbs? Im doing Protein shakes. Is this realistic for me to be eating so super clean too get too my goal weight and how do I maintain this. Im thinking continue too exercise because I love it, but what about this lingering calorie deficit, without the fat and carbs? I know some fat is healthy and we need carbs for fuel, I just wonder if Im setting unrealistic goals for myself. Feel Free too Look at my food Journal.


  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    I punched your numbers into a BMR calculator. A lot of people here will tell you to eat at least 1300 calories per day. That's my guess at your BMR. And a lot of people will tell you to eat more than that on the days you work out.
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    I think you could definitely eat a little more fat than you are. It's being shown more and more that diets that are moderately high in HEALTHY fats are good for you, and there's no need to eat a low fat diet. Just stick to good fats - think olive oil, nuts, avocados, fatty fish like salmon. Add a healthy dose of homemade olive oil and vinegar dressing to your salads instead of light dressing, throw 1/4-1/2 of an avocado on your morning eggs with a bit of salsa, eat a handful of nuts in the afternoon.
  • Evachiquita
    Evachiquita Posts: 223 Member
    Is the 1000 calories net calories or total calories? Either way it seems low. I wouldn't worry about going over on fat. I'd rather go over on fat first, then over on protein, then over on carbs, but that's just me.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I think you could definitely eat a little more fat than you are. It's being shown more and more that diets that are moderately high in HEALTHY fats are good for you, and there's no need to eat a low fat diet. Just stick to good fats - think olive oil, nuts, avocados, fatty fish like salmon. Add a healthy dose of homemade olive oil and vinegar dressing to your salads instead of light dressing, throw 1/4-1/2 of an avocado on your morning eggs with a bit of salsa, eat a handful of nuts in the afternoon.

    This. Dietary fat does not make you fat; eating at a calorie surplus leads to being fat. And if you're low carb, then you're going to have to increase your fat intake to compensate.

    In addition, if you want to look lean and toned, I would suggest heavy lifting (abandon the dvds for lifting and looking to lifting with barbells).

    Read this:
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    I think you could definitely eat a little more fat than you are. It's being shown more and more that diets that are moderately high in HEALTHY fats are good for you, and there's no need to eat a low fat diet. Just stick to good fats - think olive oil, nuts, avocados, fatty fish like salmon. Add a healthy dose of homemade olive oil and vinegar dressing to your salads instead of light dressing, throw 1/4-1/2 of an avocado on your morning eggs with a bit of salsa, eat a handful of nuts in the afternoon.

    LOL, and then I take a closer look at your diary and see that you already are doing a lot of that. Need more coffee (me, not you). Anyway, keep it up! Maybe add some more!
  • JossFit
    JossFit Posts: 588 Member
    I'm eating 3 meals + 2 snacks daily. Im eating extremely clean Low Carb, Low Fat, High Protein, High Fiber. Im drinking plenty of H20. My Calorie intake is always under 1000. I am doing 30DS + Jogging 40 mins burning about 420 calories each morning. Im 5'2 132lb BF 24%. My goal weight is 115. I want too look and feel lean and toned as apposed to skinny. My goals are to lose a lot of this fat while eating healthy and working out. How do I add calories without the extra fat and carbs? Im doing Protein shakes. Is this realistic for me to be eating so super clean too get too my goal weight and how do I maintain this. Im thinking continue too exercise because I love it, but what about this lingering calorie deficit, without the fat and carbs? I know some fat is healthy and we need carbs for fuel, I just wonder if Im setting unrealistic goals for myself. Feel Free too Look at my food Journal.

    yeeeah.... those two things do not compliment one another. If you're only eating 1000 calories a day and burning that much during activity you will end up burning away muscle leaving you skinny, NOT fit.
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member

    Cuz you should. To lose body fat. Which is probably what you should be concerned about rather than weight loss - according to your goals

    if you want to eat low carb i would go more for whole grains when you need breads and concentrate around natural carbs such as potatoes and veggies

    fats of course dont make you fat - and nuts and avocados and meat should be a big part of your diet. eat fat to lose fat.

    protein is important in keeping LBM - so you should eat .5 to 1 g per lean body weight. I usually go for 1-1.5.

    Fiber are carbs - so cant really limit the carbs if you want a decent goal. Eat whole grains!

    most of the time I try and eat a surplus of carbs for breakfast, then finish the day (post workout) with all my carb consumption. Really you have to figure out what works for you - but low carb is not neccesarry.
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    Definitely eat more, you are going to hurt your metabolism. My mom lost her hair doing a similar routine. I eat 1700 calories a day, I am consistently loosing weight.

    Add peanut butter and almonds or various nuts. The will boost up the calories.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Firstly - Why are you so concerned about low fat and low carb?

    Fat doesn't make you fat . . . so why are you concerned about fat?

    Also, what JossFit said.
  • Lifting_Knitter
    Good fats are great. Avacado, peanut butter, sunflower seeds etc.
  • dynamitegalxo
    dynamitegalxo Posts: 299 Member
    you're not eating enough, especially with all that exercise. eat more protein and fat, at minimum probably somewhere in the range of 1600 GROSS calories a day. and lift weights. you're not going to get "toned" if you don't do any work with your muscles.

    at the weight you're at, you need to look more into body recomposition than weight loss.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I punched your numbers into a BMR calculator. A lot of people here will tell you to eat at least 1300 calories per day. That's my guess at your BMR. And a lot of people will tell you to eat more than that on the days you work out.

    I'm a lot of those people. You are starving your body with less than 1,000 will also lose a lot of lean body mass...this will not leave you toned and healthy are slowly starving yourself. You need to net to your BMR at minimum just for proper organ function in a coma.