What's for your protein breakfast?



  • RGPargy
    RGPargy Posts: 285 Member
    I'm not sure that you understand what carbs are. *** I do understand, i probably haven't explained myself properly lol

    Berries are a fruit so they're quite high in carbs. ***yes berries are fruit but they are quite low in carbs, especially compared to a banana or apple for instance.

    Why are bacon and eggs silly? *** Because I don't have time to cook it every day. I do love it tho!

    Oats are a grain so they're high carbs. *** Yes I know but they are kinda natural and whole and it's the highest amount of carbs I have in one go (if that makes sense).

    HIgh protein foods would be steak, eggs, chicken, salmon, pork, etc., ***Yes I know but I want speedy breakfasts :-)

    Almonds have protein but they're not a complete protein. *** Handy to eat in the car on the way to the gym tho! ;-)
  • RGPargy
    RGPargy Posts: 285 Member
    Thank you for all your replies. I will have a good look in the morning. Night!!
  • BonaFideUK
    BonaFideUK Posts: 313 Member
    5 egg white and 1 egg yolk omelette with a bit of cottage cheese and a few slices of diced ham. To boost the protein even more I usually have a protein shake with it.

    That's an easy protein loaded breakfast for you.