You will be XX in 5 weeks???

So when I look at this statistic when I finalize my food entires, I think awesome, with these calories I will lose quite a bit of weight in 5 weeks. But I am a sugar-a-holic. Even though my calories are under, my sugar is out of control. I know this is a goal to work on, but can the statement that I will lose so much weight in 5 weeks really be accurate if my diet isn't well balanced? Doesn't seem right to me.


  • The only way to find out is to wait 5 weeks :)
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    I always take that statement with a grain of sodium. :laugh:
  • dujennifer
    dujennifer Posts: 162 Member
    I always take that statement with a grain of sodium. :laugh:

    Hysterical...maybe I should try and all sugar diet that comes in under the calorie goals and see what happens? Other than me feeling like total crap from the sugar overkill.
  • danhjkim
    danhjkim Posts: 6
    From an energy standpoint I believe a calorie is a calorie is a calorie. It's just a measure of energy. One food calorie is the energy required to raise 1kg of water 1C. All things being equal if you require X calories a day and you only consume X-500 calories a day you'll lose weight.

    The issue comes in from a nutrient standpoint. You have a calorie ceiling that you are not trying to exceed since you are trying to lose weight. If you are eating excess of any macronutrient and not getting enough of the other macronutrients you are doing yourself and your body a disservice.

    I believe your body metabolizes sugar (or any carb for that matter) by turning it into glycogen and excess carbohydrates are turned into fat among other things. Refined sugar is an empty calorie in that it doesn't provide anything to your body except simple sugars you use for energy. (Wheat bread for example gets converted into simple sugar but you get good nutrients from it like fiber.)

    Long story short if you continue to run a calorie deficit you should lose weight. If you are not eating a balanced diet you can potentially put undue stress on your body that isn't healthy.
  • aisha11188
    Dont worry too much about sugar as long it is the natural kind i.e. in food such as fruit rather than refined sugar which is not the good kind.
    Not too sure about the 5 weeks prediction because I dont exercise everyday but the prediction (i think) assumes I do.