How do you resist your cravings?



  • ELIZZY20
    For me, it's VERY helpful to not be living at home anymore! But I have a really hard time resisting cravings as well, especially chocolate and baked goods. However, it IS possible. If I know I will be eating something "bad" later in the day, I will reduce my calorie intake. Then, before eating it, I will drink water and eat something low calorie, like carrots or cucumbers so that when I do end up with a pizza or slice of cake on my plate I won't be hungry and can proceed to only eat a small portion. I will also add exercise that day to balance calorie intake/output. I also find that exercising before eating also reduces cravings. Most importantly, I like to have a weight goal and a deadline to achieve that goal. I'm in the performing arts, so I know I have a certain amount of months until my next audition so everytime I reach for the chocolate chip cookies, I remember that I need to keep losing weight and put those cookies back!
  • melinda200208
    melinda200208 Posts: 525 Member
    For me the only way to resist something is to not have it there. Which, you sometimes have no choice when your parents order food. Gosh, that would be very difficult. I dont think I could pass it up especially if they were buying! Maybe next time when they order food right when they get the food, go to the gym or go for a walk for a while. When you come back hopefully the food is gone and you wont want to eat that stuff after you worked out?? I dont know, that would be difficult. The only option for me is to not have it around and only treat myself every now and again. At least you weren't in the mind set of "well, i am eating pizza hut pizza so i'll just pig out" No, you only have a little bit of each.....thats a start right??
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    Three options:
    1 - Move out... Not the best choice in your circumstance but you would be able to control what you eat.
    2 - Fix your own meals... Plan and do your own then when the delivery shows up go for a run.
    3 - Have a salad of just greens under 100 calories including all toppings drink water and when it shows up eat a slice and go for a run.
    As long as you are at mom and dad's you are going to have to adjust to eating what you need to rather than what is easy and pushed at you.
  • CupcakeConnection
    Pizza can be very tempting... I enjoy pizza occasionally. I just have to order my own and alter it to be a healthier option. I always order thin or skinny crust with red sauce, very light cheese and veggies without meat. You could have meat, just ask for a very light topping of it. Also, some places put olive oil on their pizza. Just request it without oil! Also, if you can order a side salad with the with dressing on the side! You will be amazed at how good you feel when you do not deny yourself things that you love, but alter them to fit a healthier lifestyle choice. You should be able to eat with your family and friends and think of all of the things that you CAN have and do not focus on all of the things that you should not have. Sometimes, it is okay for a SHOULD NOT ( just make it a mini size) ;-)