Will dropping to 150 net carbs a day help with fat loss?



  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    I'm usually 150 carbs a day, & I'm only 5'2" & losing weight. I eat freaking fabulously. I couldn't imagine & wouldn't want to only have 50 carbs. What the heck would be the point of that??? If you're having good carbs from good sources, I don't see a problem at all.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Low carb or low net carb will just help with eliminating weight water. But in the end, to lose a pound of fat you need to eat 3500 calories regardless of what macro it is.
  • meghanner
    meghanner Posts: 180 Member
    If you want to optimize body composition, I agree with some of the above posters, eat primal, drop your carbs to 50 or less TOTAL. Eat more healthy fat from coconut oil, avocados and grassfed meats. The weight will fall off and you'll be happy and satiated.
  • meghanner
    meghanner Posts: 180 Member
    Low carb or low net carb will just help with eliminating weight water. But in the end, to lose a pound of fat you need to eat 3500 calories regardless of what macro it is.

    I totally disagree. The body isn't as simple as calories in- calories out. It is all about what our bodies do with our calories and involves a complex balance within our hormonal systems. In order to efficiently lose, gain or maintain weight hormones need to be balanced.... Insulin, thyroid, lepitin, neuro-peptide y to name a few.
  • patentguru
    patentguru Posts: 312 Member
    Low carb or low net carb will just help with eliminating weight water. But in the end, to lose a pound of fat you need to eat 3500 calories regardless of what macro it is.

    I totally disagree. The body isn't as simple as calories in- calories out. It is all about what our bodies do with our calories and involves a complex balance within our hormonal systems. In order to efficiently lose, gain or maintain weight hormones need to be balanced.... Insulin, thyroid, lepitin, neuro-peptide y to name a few.

  • plaz58
    plaz58 Posts: 17 Member
    Try Belly Fat Cure - I finally lost the fat around my belly. Keep carbs to around 120 grams per day and sugar to 15 grams per day. Have been doing this since August 2011 and have kept off 35 lbs and dropped 2 pant sizes. I agree - not all calories are created equal!
  • marhattap
    marhattap Posts: 149 Member
    Bump I love your facts!!
    AS PER MARKS DAILY APPLE ( PAleo site.... I assume this would have somewhat same guidelines for a SAD diet) not sure...

    ■0-50 grams per day: Ketosis and I.F. (Intermittent Fasting) zone. Excellent catalyst for rapid fat loss through I.F. Not recommended for prolonged periods (except in medically supervised programs for obese or Type 2 diabetics) due to unnecessary deprivation of plant foods.
    ■50-100 grams per day: Sweet Spot for Weight Loss. Steadily drop excess body fat by minimizing insulin production. Enables 1-2 pounds per week of fat loss with satisfying, minimally restrictive meals.
    ■100-150 grams per day: Primal Maintenance zone. Once you’ve arrived at your goal or ideal body composition, you can maintain it quite easily here while enjoying abundant vegetables, fruits and other Primal foods.
    ■150-300 grams a day: Insidious Weight Gain zone. Most health conscious eaters and unsuccessful dieters end up here, due to frequent intake of sugar and grain products (breads, pastas, cereals, rice, potatoes – even whole grains). Despite trying to “do the right thing” (minimize fat, cut calories), people can still gain an average of 1.5 pounds of fat every year for decades.
    ■300+ grams a day: Danger Zone of average American diet. All but the most extreme exercisers will tend to produce excessive insulin and store excessive fat over the years at this intake level. Increases risk for obesity, Metabolic Syndrome and type 2 diabetes.

    Read more: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/press/the-primal-blueprint-diagrams/#ixzz2KF9TmtUT

    I usually have mine from 70 -100g a day and slowly losing
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    Low carb or low net carb will just help with eliminating weight water. But in the end, to lose a pound of fat you need to eat 3500 calories regardless of what macro it is.

    I totally disagree. The body isn't as simple as calories in- calories out. It is all about what our bodies do with our calories and involves a complex balance within our hormonal systems. In order to efficiently lose, gain or maintain weight hormones need to be balanced.... Insulin, thyroid, lepitin, neuro-peptide y to name a few.

  • Lyndseed
    Lyndseed Posts: 79 Member
    I personally have had a lot of success sticking to @ 80 grams of carbs a day... when I upped my fat and protein intake and cut out most refined sugars last summer I felt happier, had more energy, and less hungry. I'm pretty much following the guidelines on mark's daily apple. I also had success simply cutting calories (from feb. -june 2012), but I felt tired sometimes, and would get shaky hungry if I didn't have a snack/meal every few hours. I can only say they change has been fantastic for me.

    edited to add: as far as fat loss, I didn't test with calipers until november of last year (28% bf), and I tested again in January (22%), I lost 12 lbs during that time, and figured out that about 11 of those 12 were fat. I'm not doing any real lifting, just zumba (because it's fun!) and some basic at home stuff: squats/pushups/crunches. hope that helps!
  • Judas_Queen
    Judas_Queen Posts: 251 Member
    bump for later
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    You do a lot of cardio- I think the biggest issue for you might be performance issues, feeling tired and ultimately burning less calories during your workouts. I have a carbohydrate sensitive metabolic disease, so I am in this range, but I carb-up for long cardio. Its kind of a PITA though, and I wouldn't do it if I didn't have to.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Bump I love your facts!!
    AS PER MARKS DAILY APPLE ( PAleo site.... I assume this would have somewhat same guidelines for a SAD diet) not sure...

    ■0-50 grams per day: Ketosis and I.F. (Intermittent Fasting) zone. Excellent catalyst for rapid fat loss through I.F. Not recommended for prolonged periods (except in medically supervised programs for obese or Type 2 diabetics) due to unnecessary deprivation of plant foods.
    ■50-100 grams per day: Sweet Spot for Weight Loss. Steadily drop excess body fat by minimizing insulin production. Enables 1-2 pounds per week of fat loss with satisfying, minimally restrictive meals.
    ■100-150 grams per day: Primal Maintenance zone. Once you’ve arrived at your goal or ideal body composition, you can maintain it quite easily here while enjoying abundant vegetables, fruits and other Primal foods.
    ■150-300 grams a day: Insidious Weight Gain zone. Most health conscious eaters and unsuccessful dieters end up here, due to frequent intake of sugar and grain products (breads, pastas, cereals, rice, potatoes – even whole grains). Despite trying to “do the right thing” (minimize fat, cut calories), people can still gain an average of 1.5 pounds of fat every year for decades.
    ■300+ grams a day: Danger Zone of average American diet. All but the most extreme exercisers will tend to produce excessive insulin and store excessive fat over the years at this intake level. Increases risk for obesity, Metabolic Syndrome and type 2 diabetes.

    Read more: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/press/the-primal-blueprint-diagrams/#ixzz2KF9TmtUT

    I usually have mine from 70 -100g a day and slowly losing

    You have a weird definition of "facts", did you mean fantasy?
  • Kmenczynski88
    Kmenczynski88 Posts: 70 Member
    Low carb or low net carb will just help with eliminating weight water. But in the end, to lose a pound of fat you need to eat 3500 calories regardless of what macro it is.

    I totally disagree. The body isn't as simple as calories in- calories out. It is all about what our bodies do with our calories and involves a complex balance within our hormonal systems. In order to efficiently lose, gain or maintain weight hormones need to be balanced.... Insulin, thyroid, lepitin, neuro-peptide y to name a few.

    This is the dumbest thing I've ever read. By definition, i should be obese since i am breaking every single "fitness law". The whole entire industry is riddled by people who just simply regurgitate information and rumors they have heard without actually experiencing anything for themselves.

    Carbs DO NOT make you fat. Over consumption of calories makes you fat. I eat IF style (2900 Calories/Day) consuming the mass majority of my carbs post workout at 9 PM (close to 300g) then i go to bed. I eat all kinds of carbs including: Oatmeal, Potatoes (white - omg insulin spike!), Waffles, Pancakes, Cups of fruit at a time. Does my body composition look like it sucks? Granted, there is certainly areas that i can prove, but i would honestly say its above your typical male physique. By all means, i should be rocking 50% bodyfat then and close to 300 lbs.

    Look at most natural bodybuilder's who go into shows still maintaining high carb levels, and tell me their body compostion sucks.
  • Lecterman
    Lecterman Posts: 97 Member
    Ultimately, whatever you choose to go with, it will probably work as long as you maintain a caloric deficit. Some methods might work "faster" than others, but you also need to consider if you can and will eat that way long term for maintenance. Good luck with your goals. Personally I am a vegan and have no problem losing fat when I eat at a caloric deficit. I intake 300+g of carbs a day.

    Maybe I am an exception.

    BTW, I train in Brazilian JiuJitsu and MMA 5 days a week in addition to participating in MMA/boxing boot camps where I train.

    The types of activity and intensity factor in.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Low carb or low net carb will just help with eliminating weight water. But in the end, to lose a pound of fat you need to eat 3500 calories regardless of what macro it is.

    I totally disagree. The body isn't as simple as calories in- calories out. It is all about what our bodies do with our calories and involves a complex balance within our hormonal systems. In order to efficiently lose, gain or maintain weight hormones need to be balanced.... Insulin, thyroid, lepitin, neuro-peptide y to name a few.

    And for a person without medical issues, none of those hormones will affect fat loss if you have a moderate calorie deficit. I can tell you my fat loss and muscle retention has been exactly the same on a standard diet where my macro's are 40% carbs 40% protein and 20% fats @ 2500 calories vs when I was paleo.

    You are only fooling yourself if you think lowering carbs truly affects fat loss. Yes, you will lose weight fast in the beginning due to less glycogen/water storage, but how about you look at studies done for a year. But if you want to show me a long term study that suggest low carb > moderate carb, then I will be impressed.

    Realistically, as long as you are getting around .8-1g of protein per lb of lean body mass and around .35g of fat and you have a workout program consisting of resistance training, then fat loss will be equal as will muscle retention.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    Bump I love your facts!!
    AS PER MARKS DAILY APPLE ( PAleo site.... I assume this would have somewhat same guidelines for a SAD diet) not sure...

    ■0-50 grams per day: Ketosis and I.F. (Intermittent Fasting) zone. Excellent catalyst for rapid fat loss through I.F. Not recommended for prolonged periods (except in medically supervised programs for obese or Type 2 diabetics) due to unnecessary deprivation of plant foods.
    ■50-100 grams per day: Sweet Spot for Weight Loss. Steadily drop excess body fat by minimizing insulin production. Enables 1-2 pounds per week of fat loss with satisfying, minimally restrictive meals.
    ■100-150 grams per day: Primal Maintenance zone. Once you’ve arrived at your goal or ideal body composition, you can maintain it quite easily here while enjoying abundant vegetables, fruits and other Primal foods.
    ■150-300 grams a day: Insidious Weight Gain zone. Most health conscious eaters and unsuccessful dieters end up here, due to frequent intake of sugar and grain products (breads, pastas, cereals, rice, potatoes – even whole grains). Despite trying to “do the right thing” (minimize fat, cut calories), people can still gain an average of 1.5 pounds of fat every year for decades.
    ■300+ grams a day: Danger Zone of average American diet. All but the most extreme exercisers will tend to produce excessive insulin and store excessive fat over the years at this intake level. Increases risk for obesity, Metabolic Syndrome and type 2 diabetes.

    Read more: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/press/the-primal-blueprint-diagrams/#ixzz2KF9TmtUT

    I usually have mine from 70 -100g a day and slowly losing

    You have a weird definition of "facts", did you mean fantasy?

    they may not be facts, but they arent a fantasy, it works, tried , tested and proven, unless you have facts stating otherwise.
    you are now ignored, your posts are a bunch of jibber jabber , and trollin
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Bump I love your facts!!
    AS PER MARKS DAILY APPLE ( PAleo site.... I assume this would have somewhat same guidelines for a SAD diet) not sure...

    ■0-50 grams per day: Ketosis and I.F. (Intermittent Fasting) zone. Excellent catalyst for rapid fat loss through I.F. Not recommended for prolonged periods (except in medically supervised programs for obese or Type 2 diabetics) due to unnecessary deprivation of plant foods.
    ■50-100 grams per day: Sweet Spot for Weight Loss. Steadily drop excess body fat by minimizing insulin production. Enables 1-2 pounds per week of fat loss with satisfying, minimally restrictive meals.
    ■100-150 grams per day: Primal Maintenance zone. Once you’ve arrived at your goal or ideal body composition, you can maintain it quite easily here while enjoying abundant vegetables, fruits and other Primal foods.
    ■150-300 grams a day: Insidious Weight Gain zone. Most health conscious eaters and unsuccessful dieters end up here, due to frequent intake of sugar and grain products (breads, pastas, cereals, rice, potatoes – even whole grains). Despite trying to “do the right thing” (minimize fat, cut calories), people can still gain an average of 1.5 pounds of fat every year for decades.
    ■300+ grams a day: Danger Zone of average American diet. All but the most extreme exercisers will tend to produce excessive insulin and store excessive fat over the years at this intake level. Increases risk for obesity, Metabolic Syndrome and type 2 diabetes.

    Read more: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/press/the-primal-blueprint-diagrams/#ixzz2KF9TmtUT

    I usually have mine from 70 -100g a day and slowly losing

    You have a weird definition of "facts", did you mean fantasy?

    they may not be facts, but they arent a fantasy, it works, tried , tested and proven, unless you have facts stating otherwise.
    you are now ignored, your posts are a bunch of jibber jabber , and trollin

    Lololol, proven? Why don't keto diets show any significant difference than non keto diets holding cals and protein constant? Why doesn't he also recommend low protein as well to avid that evil insulin? Sisson is a dope and by his own words is trying to poison his own customers lol
  • Kmenczynski88
    Kmenczynski88 Posts: 70 Member
    Bump I love your facts!!
    AS PER MARKS DAILY APPLE ( PAleo site.... I assume this would have somewhat same guidelines for a SAD diet) not sure...

    ■0-50 grams per day: Ketosis and I.F. (Intermittent Fasting) zone. Excellent catalyst for rapid fat loss through I.F. Not recommended for prolonged periods (except in medically supervised programs for obese or Type 2 diabetics) due to unnecessary deprivation of plant foods.
    ■50-100 grams per day: Sweet Spot for Weight Loss. Steadily drop excess body fat by minimizing insulin production. Enables 1-2 pounds per week of fat loss with satisfying, minimally restrictive meals.
    ■100-150 grams per day: Primal Maintenance zone. Once you’ve arrived at your goal or ideal body composition, you can maintain it quite easily here while enjoying abundant vegetables, fruits and other Primal foods.
    ■150-300 grams a day: Insidious Weight Gain zone. Most health conscious eaters and unsuccessful dieters end up here, due to frequent intake of sugar and grain products (breads, pastas, cereals, rice, potatoes – even whole grains). Despite trying to “do the right thing” (minimize fat, cut calories), people can still gain an average of 1.5 pounds of fat every year for decades.
    ■300+ grams a day: Danger Zone of average American diet. All but the most extreme exercisers will tend to produce excessive insulin and store excessive fat over the years at this intake level. Increases risk for obesity, Metabolic Syndrome and type 2 diabetes.

    Read more: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/press/the-primal-blueprint-diagrams/#ixzz2KF9TmtUT

    I usually have mine from 70 -100g a day and slowly losing

    You have a weird definition of "facts", did you mean fantasy?

    they may not be facts, but they arent a fantasy, it works, tried , tested and proven, unless you have facts stating otherwise.
    you are now ignored, your posts are a bunch of jibber jabber , and trollin

    I consume 2900 cals a day. So by your "facts" if i consume 30g Carbs, 180g protein, and 250g fat i will not gain weight right because as stated above because it is a weight loss catalyst? However, if i eat 400g Carbs, 180g Protein, and 60g Fat i will?

    Both end up being 2900 calories roughly and both are over my maintenance calories.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Bump I love your facts!!
    AS PER MARKS DAILY APPLE ( PAleo site.... I assume this would have somewhat same guidelines for a SAD diet) not sure...

    ■0-50 grams per day: Ketosis and I.F. (Intermittent Fasting) zone. Excellent catalyst for rapid fat loss through I.F. Not recommended for prolonged periods (except in medically supervised programs for obese or Type 2 diabetics) due to unnecessary deprivation of plant foods.
    ■50-100 grams per day: Sweet Spot for Weight Loss. Steadily drop excess body fat by minimizing insulin production. Enables 1-2 pounds per week of fat loss with satisfying, minimally restrictive meals.
    ■100-150 grams per day: Primal Maintenance zone. Once you’ve arrived at your goal or ideal body composition, you can maintain it quite easily here while enjoying abundant vegetables, fruits and other Primal foods.
    ■150-300 grams a day: Insidious Weight Gain zone. Most health conscious eaters and unsuccessful dieters end up here, due to frequent intake of sugar and grain products (breads, pastas, cereals, rice, potatoes – even whole grains). Despite trying to “do the right thing” (minimize fat, cut calories), people can still gain an average of 1.5 pounds of fat every year for decades.
    ■300+ grams a day: Danger Zone of average American diet. All but the most extreme exercisers will tend to produce excessive insulin and store excessive fat over the years at this intake level. Increases risk for obesity, Metabolic Syndrome and type 2 diabetes.

    Read more: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/press/the-primal-blueprint-diagrams/#ixzz2KF9TmtUT

    I usually have mine from 70 -100g a day and slowly losing

    You have a weird definition of "facts", did you mean fantasy?

    they may not be facts, but they arent a fantasy, it works, tried , tested and proven, unless you have facts stating otherwise.
    you are now ignored, your posts are a bunch of jibber jabber , and trollin

    Oh and your revered Paleo man? Ate over 300g of cho a day

    Eaton et al. Paleolithic nutrition revisited: A twelve-year retrospective on its nature and implications. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (1997) 51, 207±216

    http://www.direct-ms.org/pdf/EvolutionPaleolithic/Eaton Paleo Nutri Review EJCN.pdf
  • blu_meanie_ca
    blu_meanie_ca Posts: 352 Member
    You have a weird definition of "facts", did you mean fantasy?

    they may not be facts, but they arent a fantasy, it works, tried , tested and proven, unless you have facts stating otherwise.
    you are now ignored, your posts are a bunch of jibber jabber , and trollin


    I do love when common sense is now fantasy. I love Acg's posts. They are unusually easy to follow and scientifically based.

    Now OP,
    If you have a metobolic disorder like I do (I'm insulin resistant), than you would have to go ridiculiously low cal to lose weight, or, reduce carbs. I'm going to assume you do not, as you have lost weight up until now, and I'm also going to assume you get regular physicals, and your doc hasn't peeped. So, low carb probably won't do much for you. At the MOST, set your macros to 40% carbs and see what happens.
    Since you have upped your workouts, start tracking your inches more than your weight. Be proud of your muscle develpment. It is weight that you've EARNED. You've sweated, and ran, and worked hard for every extra ounce that develops on your body. Celebrate it. It's your key to longevity. Increased muscle mass in protection from osteoporisis, loss of mobililtiy, and, or course, burns more calories than fat (not a double-chocolate milk shakes worth, but, oh well).
    The fat will go while the muscle stays. Just, maybe, not as fast as you would like it.