Need to exercice more ?, has 1200 cal a day's tough



  • portermonteal
    Hi Astro,
    That is very interesting about having your RMR tested but not being able to lose weight at that calorie level. I had the same experience, and so I was confused, but something weird straightened out.

    I was told my RMR was 2400 cal per day, so I was eating 2000 per day, plus exercising, creating what was at least a 500 calorie per day deficit, yet I did not lose a pound per week. ( I only tried that for one month, though, and now I realize I fluctuate due to water and perhaps I just didn't do it long enough to see the average weight loss, but that's not my point.)

    so, anyhow, then I decided I'd better get real serious about it and I went on a 600 calorie per day program that I've been on for 2 months.

    Here's what is strange to me. I have lost 4 lbs. per week, every single week. That equals a deficit of 2000 calories per day (4 lbs = 14000 calories, divided by 7 days = 2000 calories per day deficit).

    Well, wouldnt you know it? That means that my RMR was correctly measured. If I'm eating 600 cals per day, and obviously in a deficit of 2000 calories per day, that means that I'm burning 2600 per day. That is exactly what the testing told me.

    But, it still is a mystery to me why, at the time, eating 2000 calories didn't seem to heed the same results.

    I hope I'm not getting too mathematic.... I just wanted to share with you my same confusion. Thoughts?