Bored At Work Munchies

So I had my light breakfast and light lunch (Jamba juice) nod new I am sitting in a cubicle going nuts.

I'm hungry! But I don't want to go buy in n out. I know that I need to have something to munch away on when I'm sitting at my desk all day, but I'm not sure what's the best choice. Fatty nuts? Trail mix? Dried fruits? Veggies?

What are everybody's thoughts on the essential keep-me-at-my-desk snack food?



  • antitek
    antitek Posts: 121 Member
    Anything you listed is fine. Use Trail Mix with caution due to many of them having hidden calories. Do your homework there. Dried fruit must be eaten in moderation due to sugar content. Personally I nom nom on veggies until I'm bored with chewing and then down a handful of nuts for a protein boost that will keep me feeling full longer than veggies alone.

    Before you dig in to the snacks have some water. I'm not saying drink a quart and declare yourself full. (Idiotic advice someone came up with right there.) Just keep in mind sometimes thirst can be mistaken for hunger. Drink half a cup or so and give it 10 minutes. You will either find yourself satisfied or be ready to eat anything that can't run fast enough.
  • kmichelle1821
    i keep wheat thins although i think i will switch to tricuits. it is way better then running to the vending machine and buying a bag of chips or like you said in and out. also not salted almonds, bananas, and i also keep products from specail k. snack bars, meal bars, and their pop corn chips
  • CollegiateGrief
    CollegiateGrief Posts: 552 Member
    I keep a box of Kashi 7 grain crackers in my desk drawer. Easy to count out a serving, 120 calories, and filling because of the whole grains.
  • kmichelle1821
    and i always have a qt of water at my desk but i dont drink it at one time !
  • melinda200208
    melinda200208 Posts: 525 Member
    I love smoked almonds, avacodo with crackers, hard boiled egg, any fruits or vegetables, lots of water, gum, fiber one bars,
  • laccy40
    laccy40 Posts: 136
    Apple and cheese, dried fruits, nuts (don't be afraid of the fat, it's good for you). But your description of a light breakfast and a juice for lunch sounds overly restricted so I would check your goals because that might be why you are hungry.
  • romach79
    romach79 Posts: 277 Member
    If you are trying to lose weight, I would say to stay away from the high carb stuff. I keep some Greek yogurt and mixed nuts (less than 50% peanuts) to munch on. I also keep a full container of water on hand.
  • unbeknownst
    unbeknownst Posts: 27 Member
    It is so easy to munch on vending machine goodies at work! Even nuts can add up if you eat too many of them, so I would go easy on the trail mix as well especially if there are M&Ms in it.

    Whenever I feel "bored hungry" I always brew a cup of hot tea and sip it slowly. For some reason, that always quells the bored hunger. Maybe it's because it keeps me busy, and fills up my stomach. When that doesn't work, I drink sparkling water. When THAT doesn't work, fine, I will eat something -- maybe it's not bored hunger after all! Usually I eat a Greek yogurt with some wheat germ sprinkled in, or an apple (with peanut butter if I'm more than average hungry).

    Good luck finding your own healthy snacks and tricks!
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    one square of Pepperjack Cheese!
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I went and got a dorm fridge for my office. I have yogurt and string cheese in there, and bottled water. I also get chocolite protein/fiber bars from

    There's also some Special K "protein water" mix - I get the pink lemonade kind and put it in a 16 ounce bottle of water. It also has some fiber in it too.

    Those things usually work pretty well for me.
  • melindanew
    melindanew Posts: 150 Member
    No calorie options for me include gum and sugar free mints.

    Gum works best for me to kill the "I'm bored but not hungry" need to eat.
  • TimothyIrvine
    TimothyIrvine Posts: 16 Member
    So many great replies and suggestions!
  • pattydo
    pattydo Posts: 21 Member
    Quaker Oat Squares with a hint of Brown Sugar, 1 cup with a bottle of water on the side, you get a good crunch. Another great thing is in the south we have Golden Flake brand chips, they have a puffed cheddar corn, 160 calories for 3 cups, cross between baked cheetos & popcorn...down side, you get cheesy fingers. Don't do them often they are pretty empty calories but sometimes in a cubicle you just need to munch.
  • red8424
    red8424 Posts: 160 Member
    I love wasabi peas- only 100 calories per serving and they are nice and crunchy. I also snack on an apple or orange cut into 4ths- take out a segment whenever you have the urge to nosh.