Just not sure if im doing it right?

Hi all,

I really want to make sure I am losing weight healthily and in a way that I can keep it off and maintain. I have read a lot of the forums here and tried to get as much info as I could before I posted this (so please go easy on me) . I have also looked at the road map post and worked out my TDEE.

So… I am currently sticking to the MFP 1200 cal a day and eating back my calories from working out (sometimes) I wanted to give this a go and see if it would work I have tried this for 4 weeks and lost 4 pounds which i am very happy with but after reading the roadmap and forums I’m just not sure I’m going about weight loss the right way.

I see that lots of people do there TDEE - 20% I’m willing to give this a go but I do enjoy not including my workout calories to my daily allowance and then eating some of them back as I haven’t established my routine completely. (am currently trying to work out 4-5 times a week doing body step and body pump)

I am 22 years old 5ft 2 and 160 LB aiming to lose 40 LB.
My BMR is 1509
TDEE (secondary) 2116
TDEE (secondary) - 20% 1772

Some days i am way under my calorie allowance and someday way over!
So I guess the point of my post if do you think I should be more strict and stick to my 1200 cal a day or the complete opposite and up my calories to at least my BMR? I just don’t know what to do!

Thank for listening.