Color Run Advice please :)



  • curvykim78
    curvykim78 Posts: 799 Member

    I had a horrible morning the morning of my first Color Run, and so wasn't thinking clearly at all... brought no change of clothes, nothing to protect my nice leather seats... yeah, it was bad. Like 3 hours of hard scrubbing then reconditioning the leather... ugh.

    Also, to my understanding
    "THE COLOR RUN" has NO "wet" stations
    "COLOR ME RAD" does have "wet" stations.

    So depending on which one you're doing, you might want to be more/less careful with whatever you bring. We did "The Color Run" with only our phones in a ziploc bag. Took pictures of each other with the bag still on the camera, maybe taking it out once or twice. Did fine, any color that got in there wiped right off.

    We didn't protect our eyes, and we did fine. However, during the "color cloud" at the end of the run, which is like a giant paint fight and everyone throws the powder at each other, I wish I had had something. I ended up getting purple thrown RIGHT into my face and it got all in my eyes and mouth. I had purple teeth for a week. Lovely. But it was still SO much fun.

    Purple teeth for a week...seriously made me LOL!!!