Diary. Public or Private?



  • deb3129
    deb3129 Posts: 1,294 Member
    Mine is public. It helps me to stay accountable if I know everyone can look. Also, I eat a plant based diet and friends sometimes have questions about what kind of stuff I am eating, so it is easier for them to just be able to take a look around. I see no reason (for me) to make it private.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    mines private, a lot of haters out there.
  • becky6m
    becky6m Posts: 108 Member
    My first round of MFP (Oct 2010 - July 2012 lost 100 lbs) I don't know why but I refused to open it up. This time around (gained 25 lbs back in 6 months life happened I got lazy) my MFP friends inspired me to open it up. It really does help keep you accountable. I know everyone is seeing everything. Keeps me in check. But then again I can also see what others are eating to get an idea of what has more fiber and so on. Gives me new things to try and switch up my own meals. I love it.
  • MelisaBegins
    MelisaBegins Posts: 161 Member
    I didn't know this was even an option, so I just set mine to friends only because it would be great to feel accountable. I love the idea of my friends encouraging me when things get rough.

    How do you actually see other peoples' diaries though??

    Hi there! Just thought I'd jump in to answer this question you have - when you click on one of your friends, if they have their diary open for view, there is a green button that says "View Diary". If you click on an MFP member that isn't your friend yet and they've made their diary public for anyone, you can also view theirs.
  • MelisaBegins
    MelisaBegins Posts: 161 Member
    My first round of MFP (Oct 2010 - July 2012 lost 100 lbs) I don't know why but I refused to open it up. This time around (gained 25 lbs back in 6 months life happened I got lazy) my MFP friends inspired me to open it up. It really does help keep you accountable. I know everyone is seeing everything. Keeps me in check. But then again I can also see what others are eating to get an idea of what has more fiber and so on. Gives me new things to try and switch up my own meals. I love it.

    I totally agree. I was just looking at your diary this morning as a matter of fact! :) And instead of judging you (or anyone else) for their choices, I was saying to myself, "Wow, Becky lost over 100 pounds and still allowed herself some sweets now and then? OK, maybe I can have some sweets sometimes too." I think it helps to see that we are all HUMAN and just doing this, every day, the best we can. And? Seeing results!
  • smh1067
    smh1067 Posts: 45 Member
    I have it open to my friends and I find it helps a lot. I vowed when I started to be honest about putting down what I eat, regardless of what it is, and it's actually helped stop me from making choices I knew I shouldn't, and kept me from going over calories several times just because I know other people are watching. If you get a lot of "haters" on your diary, let people know that's not what you're looking for, or nix them from your friends list. We're all here for different things so I'm sure they'll understand.

    If you think it might keep you from being honest, keep it to private. The important thing is that you're getting an honest picture of you input and output.
  • mrfrodogetdown
    mrfrodogetdown Posts: 54 Member
    I'm going to put it so that friends can view it, but I feel a bit weird doing it because I meal plan on it... And I just think it's weird that anyone can view what I'm going to eat next week :S
  • imtrinat
    imtrinat Posts: 153 Member
    I know myself well enough to know I won't be honest if make mine public. It helps some people stay on track, but I will just stop using it if I don't keep it private. It's really all a matter of what works best for you.
  • Daysednconfused
    Daysednconfused Posts: 975 Member
    I like having mine only open to friends. If you have it open to everyone, then you get too many opinions and people who disagree with your plan, without knowing anything about you. Having it open for friends, helps keep me accountable without fearing judgment from total strangers.

    Thanks! This is what I was worried about.... If i decide to have a Reese's cup one afternoon.... I didn't want to feel incredibly guilty when a million people tell me how awful my choice was lol

    Mine is public for two reasons - 1) it helps me stay on track and 2) because I like to see what others are eating, so I figure mine should be public as well. I have NEVER had anyone, friend or non friend, criticize my food diary. Supportive, yes, but never criticize. I'm sure I would if I posted a question like "why aren't I losing my weight?" in the forums, but that's not gonna happen!
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    Mine is set at friends only
  • happyheart15
    happyheart15 Posts: 383 Member
    Private. I don't want judgment about what I eat.
  • Juliechilli
    Juliechilli Posts: 123 Member
    I have my diary open to my friends. At the end of the day, most people comment on my good days and if I have some slip ups they are even more supportive. I have nothing to hide and it helps keep me accountable if I think people might be looking at it. I recently changed to an all clean diet and I'm happy to have my diary open for suggestions of meals for others who may be making the switch. Hope this helps!
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Friends onlly ...... I hope :laugh:
  • Schmelvie
    Schmelvie Posts: 233 Member
    I made mine public months ago. I thought to myself: What do I care what other people think? You know what I found? Nobody really cares all that much. I haven't had one spontaneous comment about my diary from ANYONE outside of my friends list. So the fears of being "judged", I think it's mostly crap.

    I thought it might help me be more accountable. Maybe at first it did, but that wears off quickly. I track my stuff for me, and accountability is not really a problem. So it hasn't changed my habits one bit.
  • Juliechilli
    Juliechilli Posts: 123 Member
    : I don't get the notion that opening up a diary woudn't keep people honest? I've never been criticized by my food choices, and if I were, I would find new friends. :bigsmile:

    I look at my diary as accountability. You are only hurting yourself by making up foods for the benefit of others' so why not just be honest and accountable? To each is own. Just my opinion.
  • Lovebears99
    Lovebears99 Posts: 19 Member
    Mine is currently set so my friends can view it. I think it does hold me more accountable. At the same time i am still honest with what i consume. If i were to omit calories i've eaten just so others don't see, then in the end i would only be cheating myself when my numbers don't add up and the scale doesn't move. So far i haven't had anyone be judgemental or overly critical at all :flowerforyou:
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    I like having mine only open to friends. If you have it open to everyone, then you get too many opinions and people who disagree with your plan, without knowing anything about you. Having it open for friends, helps keep me accountable without fearing judgment from total strangers.

    Thanks! This is what I was worried about.... If i decide to have a Reese's cup one afternoon.... I didn't want to feel incredibly guilty when a million people tell me how awful my choice was lol

    I've never seen this as a problem and have mine open. Personally, I can't imagine anyone careing too much. I like getting food ideas from looking at others diaries and don't care if someone knows if I eat a Reese's cup. I've learned a lot from viewing other's diaries.
  • krissy_krossy
    krissy_krossy Posts: 307 Member
    Mine's private. I have some issues with food and I don't want people judging me based on the amount I eat some days. A lot of people will assume that if my calories are lower than they should be that I'm just trying to lose weight too quickly. They never stop to think that perhaps that's the best someone could do that day. What I eat is between me, my husband, and my doctors right now.
  • emilypink573
    emilypink573 Posts: 133 Member
    Friends Only for me.
  • lamby284
    lamby284 Posts: 167 Member
    I have mine public. If you are embarrassed to let other people know what youre eating, then you are defintely doing something wrong. The accountability is important to have, do make your diary public. As a side note, though, Im not sure that people actually check others' diaries. I never do