Zero to my first Tough Mudder

Hello everyone,

Over the holidays my weight was up in the 200s.

I'm slowly incorporating healthier habits, most recently its exercise DVDs and the gym.

Ready or not, I will be participating in a Tough Mudder event in May.

I'm hoping my efforts will pay off. After so many years neglecting my health, I want to prove to myself that I am capable of making positive changes.

Anyone here participate in a Tough Mudder event? Training for your first event?

Anyways, happy to be here!


  • coke_bottle
    coke_bottle Posts: 259 Member
    I feel stupid asking, but what is a tough mudder event?
  • coffeemouth
    coffeemouth Posts: 5 Member
    Its a combination of running and obstacle course:

    What I like about it is that its not about getting the best time, its about just finishing. My cousin did it last year and I feel its a good challenge for me, and a great motivation to get me on my way to where I want to be fitness-wise.

    I'm watching my calories and what I eat,.. but I'm still researching sports nutrition...
  • ChangingAmanda
    ChangingAmanda Posts: 486 Member

    I'm doing the same as you but my Tough Mudder is Nov. 2nd and I'm so excited. It'll be just over a year since I started this at 249.6lbs and I'm only 5'4". Right now I'm doing a crossfit type class 4 days a week. I know I need to add in running but I have bad knees so I'm thinking of waiting till I get closer to 200 (25ish lbs to go) before I start that.
  • coffeemouth
    coffeemouth Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Amand! Wow, 4 days of crossfit, did you find it took your body a while to get used to exercising in earnest? My muscles are extremely sore right now from the week and I'm hopping to get used to the workouts.

    If you have any good training advice, I'm all ears! : )
  • ChangingAmanda
    ChangingAmanda Posts: 486 Member

    Yeah, the first two or three weeks I was very sore and "found" muscles I never knew I had. Now I don't get anywhere near as sore as before but when I find somethings too easy, I up the weigh I'm using or try a harder form. The biggest advice I can give is to push yourself but not so hard that you hurt yourself or get discouraged. If you're taking a class and find you can't do something, ask for a modification. My instructors are great at giving them for almost all the exercises - some are a form difference like push-up on your knees instead of toes and some are weight adjustment like using a 8lb medicine ball instead of 12lbs. Also for accurate calorie burn while exercising, I strongly encourage folks to get a Heart Rate Monitor w/a chest strap. I've found that MFP grossly overestimates my calorie burn by almost 2x if I use their calculators.

    Those are some general ones. I hope they help. If you have any questions, just ask and if I can answer them, I will. :smile:
  • tmfrizzell
    I'm doing my first Mudder in May as well! Can't wait. I participate in a Boot Camp style class three days a week, am spinning 2 days per week, doing a "Body Pump" class 1 day, and running whenever I have time. I hope its enough, I can certainly feel myself getting stronger.

    Any idea how much time it should take to complete the course? I am running about a 9.5 min / mile and understand that the mudder is not really about running, its more of a jog to the next challenge.