Trainers say getting nauseous isn't normal. Is it?



  • Ploogy
    Ploogy Posts: 115 Member
    That made no sense to me.
    Okay, first I have to say the word is NAUSEATED. Nauseous means you ARE causing nausea, i.e. "a nauseas smell"
  • GMorrisUK
    GMorrisUK Posts: 64 Member
    Dont know if you been watching the latest season of The Biggest Loser but that Jackson dude spends most of his workout time THROWING UP! :)

    If you gonna work out hard - you gonna hurl.

    Watch runners - marathoners.

    Lots of them hurl all the time.

    Not saying its healthy but its definately normal if you work too hard. Like someone above said, there are various schools of thought as to whether this is healthy to push yourself to the point of retching or not.

    As for me, I have felt it once on a run. Suffice to say I stopped and walked until the feeling passed.
  • Sweet_Pandora
    Sweet_Pandora Posts: 459 Member
    When I work really hard or if it is too warm I sometimes get nauseated.

    I've gotten sick while running and just kept running because I didnt' want to stop on the side of the road to hurl. For some reason I thought it would be less embarassing having people see me running down the road and throwing up! I did finish my run and felt fine.

    Thinking of that day makes me

  • Sammiebird
    Sammiebird Posts: 15 Member
    I get nauseous sometimes. Especially when I really push it or drink too much water.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I think there's working out. Shouldn't be nausous
    Then there's working out hard, which your stomach might give you some pause.
    Then there's pushing yourself to the absolute limit, and yes, I've puked after doing that. I wouldn't recomend working out that hard as a routine but, it's not abnormal for it to happen.
  • sofulnaturalee
    sofulnaturalee Posts: 391 Member
    I get nausious when I do crunches

    So do I.
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    Less water during the workout, dont eat immediately before, take about ten minutes before eating after a workout.

    ;) has helped a lot
  • noeasyweigh
    noeasyweigh Posts: 107 Member
    I had this happen two nights ago. I was doing my first night of month 2 insanity which is the fit test and then max interval circuit. I pushed really hard during the fit test and my HR was really up there and when I was doing low plank obliques, I threw up then about 50 minutes later I threw up again just doing some cardio. I was really exhausted. Then ALL night long, I had a very acidic stomach with heartburn. Not comfortable at all!
  • mariapuhl
    mariapuhl Posts: 529 Member
    Okay, first I have to say the word is NAUSEATED. Nauseous means you ARE causing nausea, i.e. "a nauseas smell"

    Now that that's out of the way, it is normal but not really a good thing. If you are feeling sick, you should really take a break.

    According to google, it means either.


    Affected with nausea; inclined to vomit.
    Causing nausea; offensive to the taste or smell.

    sickening - loathsome - nasty - queasy - repulsive

    Same thing with nauseated.

    nau·se·ate (nôz-t, -zh-, -s-, -sh-)
    intr. & tr.v. nau·se·at·ed, nau·se·at·ing, nau·se·ates
    1. To feel or cause to feel nausea.
    2. To feel or cause to feel loathing or disgust.
  • FutureSkinnyMama03
    FutureSkinnyMama03 Posts: 250 Member
    I don't think it's abnormal.

    I became really nauseated yesterday after pushing myself doing RI30 level 3. Plus, I thought the 1.5-2 hours I waited after supper was long enough but it may not have been. I was trying to do the cooldown stretches when I decided to forget it & lay down on the floor to keep from puking or passing out. Honestly hate when it happens.
  • Annelies11
    Annelies11 Posts: 174 Member
    Yep I've experienced it a couple times too. When I get back into running after not having done it for a while. Or when I run outside but the weather is too hot, then I get nauseous even if I am not really pushing myself.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I get nauseated if I push myself too hard. Example if I run on the treadmill for more than 20 minutes I'll start to get cramped up and push through it but then might start to feel light headed or dizzy and keep pushing. Thats when the nausea starts to kick in. For me I have to eat before I do a big work out or else I get sick during a run. For basic lifting or biking I don't have that problem. It just seems to hit e when trying to run. My daughters BF who runs track vomits every single time he runs. In fact, a few guys on the track team do as well. The coach says it just happens to some people. Not everyone however.

    How much exercise and what exercises are you doing that you get nauseated?
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I get nausious when I do crunches

    So do I.

    See now I can do crunches of all sorts for hours and not have a problem. But running? and I'm feeling ick.
  • keenster
    Feeling nauseous is perfectly normal and actually a good sign. It's your body learning to work properly again during the change over from burning sugar/carbs foods that people are now dependent on and switching to FAT.


    WTH?! Quote a source for this or it didn't happen.
  • Ph4lanx
    Ph4lanx Posts: 213 Member
    I've had 2 trainers, from 2 different gyms, become baffled when I tell them how I get nauseous after working out really hard. They both looked at me like I was crazy, and acted like they've never heard of anyone getting nauseous from working out before. I felt stupid.

    Is this rare?? :\

    No it's not. I get this every time I do a legs session, as I hit it so hard. Generally, after I take my post-workout shake, I'm fine about 10 minutes later, as I put Dextrose in the shake to resupply glycogen levels.

    It's normal, you're not alone, and it's more to do with the fact you're pushing your body hard than anything else.
  • Naynay1980
    Either eating too soon before working. a protein bar as soon as you are done working out. I have the exact same feeling when I go for a long run or do sprints at the gym. If I eat a high protein breakfast after I leave or chicken and rice for dinner, I'm good. I also use mid workout gels. Hope it subsides.
  • MellyGibson
    MellyGibson Posts: 297 Member
    Here's what I would take away from this:

    1) They never had a participant work hard enough to get nauseated.

    2) YOU DID!

    I have only gotten nauseated twice after working out and that was when I pushed myself right up to my limit....and beyond. I don't like it - but I felt awesome after the feeling passed.
  • MellyGibson
    MellyGibson Posts: 297 Member
    Feeling nauseous is perfectly normal and actually a good sign. It's your body learning to work properly again during the change over from burning sugar/carbs foods that people are now dependent on and switching to FAT.


    WTH?! Quote a source for this or it didn't happen.

    Just completed my Personal Trainer Certification and not once did I encounter anything that said this. Or anything remotely like this. I like to think I'm in really good shape, and I get nauseated when I push myself too hard. I'm pretty sure my body has been working "properly" for a while now....
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    It's REALLY fun when you're hauling *kitten* and suddenly the urge to faint and puke at the same time arises.

  • feltlikesound
    feltlikesound Posts: 326 Member
    HIIT also makes me nauseous almost every time. in fact maybe every single time -- usually I can relate the nausea directly to my heart rate reaching upper regions, if I pay attention. It's also subject to meal timing/content, and my water intake.