The 4 Hour Body: Have you read it?

Obviously they might have over done it with the visual description here.
Although it is something I am considering putting some money towards. I'm always interested to learn new things and this book sounds very intriguing.


  • Lialena
    Lialena Posts: 45 Member
    I've read it. I found it interesting, but I'm not sure I'd recommend it.

    Tim documents what he does fairly well, but what he does is not for everyone. He has particular ideas about diet and workouts that may be difficult to follow. For example he recommends ice baths, and he takes an approach to nutrition that I didn't find realistic for most people.
    If memory serves he was a big believer in kettle-balls and strength training and writes about that with a conviction that makes you want to go buy one and gave a good overview on the potential benefits and the exercises.

    Something to keep in mind with Tims' books is that they are as much him telling the story of how he came to his conclusions, who he talked to, his various insights and ah-ha moments, as they are actual practical (possibly) advice. I found myself wishing he'd get to the point and just lay out the process he is recommending. He's an engaging writer, but he does not take a straight forward and step by step approach to teaching which is interesting considering he does so much testing and evaluation of methods on himself. So if you buy it be prepared to learn a lot about his days in collage and his travels, and the times he worked out how to win at ballroom dancing and a wrestling competition, because apparently those are important to sitting in an ice bath and timing when you have your protein and carbs.

    To get an idea of his methods and writing style check out his blog. Sample chapters can probably still be found there from when the book was released. If you like the blog you'll probably like the books.