Should I Stay or Should I Go Now from MFP????

Just great! No weight down, clothes are fitting the same. I hate to think I'm stuck in this body - I want change! Where in the hell is it? You know the pants I'm wearing today I used to be able to pull them up over another pair of pants. The seams would bust if I tried that today. I am really wondering if I should just quit MFP and weighing myself once a week. I've done weight loss/weight training before and I DID NOT track my cals or did I weigh myself. It worked in a short 3 months! So MFP and weighing myself is what Im doing different this time, so maybe they are the problem?!?! They sure as hell cause stress that's for sure. At least when I don't do them, I have no idea what's going on and it leaves me stress free for the most part. Should I stay or should I go now? That is the question people?

I've been working really hard and the weight isn't going down - fine! But there's a bigger deal - my body shape isn't changing either! Clothes are still tight on me. I only have 8lbs to get to prepreg weigh, I understand that my shape still may be different now but GEEZ, were is the progress/results from all this work I've been doing. At least if i can'treach some of goal then I can start to enjoy life again.


  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    why change what worked perfectly for you before?

    Don't fix what ain't broke.
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    Im not sure if your food and exersize diary are public but if it is not maby you should make so, so that people can see what you are doing and then offer advice on things that may be wrong. And yes if just training and watching what you ate worked before then maby just go back to that.
  • listen take it from a south ohio farmer do what is best for u every person is different im shedding my winter fat now on biking weight lifting and my farm work my only other advise is just watch what and when u eat a big help is to write it down just so u can see what u really are eating for no other reason i have lost 18 lbs since jan 1
  • Christine61314
    Christine61314 Posts: 47 Member
    Nobody is forcing you to stay here, now thats not me telling you to go but it's your own decision. Personally even if I get to maintaing my weight I'd like to think I would still be on here, it keeps me accountable. Perhaps recording measurements may be more suited to you rather than the scales which as I'm sure you know fluctate all the time. Weight loss journey is not linear- if you could see my progress chart you'd know! Also the old saying that if you have less to lose it takes longer.
  • fihealth
    fihealth Posts: 165 Member
    yeah, because it's a much easier and faster road to success and reaching goals when you quit and stop trying. so go ahead and quit and see where that gets you. maybe then you'll find the will to keep trying?

    Edit to add: you can do it if you care about yourself enough to keep trying :)
  • ngressman
    ngressman Posts: 229 Member
    If counting calories is stressful and mfp isn't working, then why stay? What is the benefit for you? I have lost weight before without counting calories, and if that's what worked for you I would go for it. Do what works and if it's less stressful even better. Weight Watchers has a plan where you don't count calories or points. Just eat whole grains, lean protein , fruits and veggies. has a diet program where you don't count calories. I am sure there are a few other diets that would be the same. Good luck with whatever you choose.:smile:
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    yeah, because it's much easier and faster and successful to reach goals by quitting and not trying. so go ahead and quit and see where that gets you. maybe then you'll find the will to keep trying?

    This x 1000
  • tndejong
    tndejong Posts: 463
    i am in no position to judge you. but by looking at just one week of your food diary, that could be one problem. i think you might have your calories set too high for starters. and many days you go over even what you have listed as your daily allowance. and maybe you should up your exercise a little. 10 minutes on an elliptical will not give you the results your looking for. because your trying to lose such a small amount and close to your goal, its going to be a lot harder. maybe even just 20 minutes and increase the intensity of the workouts. man people on here can give you excellent advice how to lose weight. it just depends how determined you are to do so.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    how did you calculate your TDEE?

    what is your current work out regimen like?

    how many days do you work out now...height, weight?
  • yiffanarff
    yiffanarff Posts: 123 Member
    I'm sorry to hear you are so frustrated! A couple things that might be the issue. You say that last time it took 3 months to get the weight off- did you only have 8 pounds to go that time too, or was it more? When you are close to your goal weight, the weight loss tends to slow down (a lot) in my experience, so that may have something to do with it.

    Also, I noticed on your profile it talked about insulin shots- do you have health issues that you didn't have last time you tried to lose weight? That can throw a major wrench in the works.

    Try not to get too frustrated! You're 8 pounds away from pre-pregnancy weight! That's great! Also, I don't have any children, but I would say, try not to get your hopes up that you will look exactly like you did pre baby once those 8 pounds come off, or think that all your close will fit the same way. It could be that your body has changed a little. That doesn't mean you're doomed to hate your body forever though. There are a ton of hot mammas on here- you may just need to adjust your goals a little/switch up your exercise routine.
  • chokeslam512
    chokeslam512 Posts: 78 Member
    Also, If the last time you didn't track wasn't sustainable, will this time be? I think now that you have the data, it's time to analyze it(or get help to analize it) and deduce the root cause of the lack of weight loss.
  • lockmand
    lockmand Posts: 90 Member
    Wow, congrats Stevjegor54! that is a great loss, 18, lbs! I am plugging to catch up with you! I have lost 8 since Christmas.
  • lockmand
    lockmand Posts: 90 Member
    Oh, I hope you don't give up now, it is always hard to lose so little. I agree that possibly you should lower the calories allowed a bit, and up the exercise. Also I was just advised by a trainer that doing cardio will get the fat off, do that first then do the strength training and ab work. You can have great abs and not be able to see them for the fat! I had never heard that before, but like she said everyone has abs, its just that you can't see some of them for the excess fat. Good luck and hope you get it fiured out and break through that plateau. Try not to be down on yourself, and try very hard not to feel discouraged by that # on the scale. Your self worth is not measured by a scale, anyways!
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    Ok I know I might get jumped on for this lol but try reading something like the doctor Phil weight loss book , You don't realize how much emotional baggage can weigh you down and keep you from losing weight and keeping it off, After reading that book I lost the weight and kept it off. I have now decided that I want to shed a bit more and build muscle and I know it will happen because I do not have the negative self talk I had yrs ago, and I don't have the negative self talk simply because I delt with the issues causing it.
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    I am NOT quitting or even thinking about quitting my weight loss journey! I am just thinking of ways to revamp it so IT WORKS! And it's not very often I only do 10mins on the ellipical - C'mon - I am smarter than that you know! I do cardio at least 3 times a week for a period of 30min - usually burning around 300cals. I also lift heavy weights 3 times a week (universal gym set, free weights, deadlifts, squats, lunges) I figure my body fat percentage is around 25% which is considered healthy! But I feel that I need to lose the fat on my belly and thighs. I've had diabetes for 20 years so the diabetes is not what's causing this "no weighloss thingy". I think it's just so slow because Im so stressed out about it all the time.

    So here is my decision: I am staying on MFP but I am dropping the group Elegant for Easter because you have to do weekly weigh ins and I am done with that. I am keeping my calories at 1500 and YES somedays I will be going over - is that really gonna stop my weight loss? -some may think so.... I am 5'9" and 148lbs right now. I don't really care what I weigh, I just want to fit into size 28 pants again without my belly hanging over. And I won't be eating more lean meat - its too much money and I don't have it. My protein comes from pbutter, eggs, lean beef, pork chops and occassionally chicken and fish. My fat comes from margarine, cheese and almonds. And there is no way in hell I will eat minimum amounts of fruit - fruit is the best and I love it!

    This body transformation will come and I will be happy with it one day! Hopefully sooner than later - It's been 4 months of hating my pregnant body and another 13 months of hating my postpregnancy body. It's time to love, time to love thy body. lol
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    Ok I know I might get jumped on for this lol but try reading something like the doctor Phil weight loss book , You don't realize how much emotional baggage can weigh you down and keep you from losing weight and keeping it off, After reading that book I lost the weight and kept it off. I have now decided that I want to shed a bit more and build muscle and I know it will happen because I do not have the negative self talk I had yrs ago, and I don't have the negative self talk simply because I delt with the issues causing it.

    Probably a good idea for me - thank you. Although, I have been trying to be anti-negative on my own. Some days it doesn't work. lol.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    I'm 5'6" and my TAREGT is 147lbs- that will get me to pre-preg weight and my youngest is 13 YEARS:ohwell: baby belly is the hardest to lose - and its the first to come creeping back (and then some!) Stick with it, but maybe weigh once a month, or measure using a tpe measure or those clothes you want to fit into.
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    Ok I know I might get jumped on for this lol but try reading something like the doctor Phil weight loss book , You don't realize how much emotional baggage can weigh you down and keep you from losing weight and keeping it off, After reading that book I lost the weight and kept it off. I have now decided that I want to shed a bit more and build muscle and I know it will happen because I do not have the negative self talk I had yrs ago, and I don't have the negative self talk simply because I delt with the issues causing it.

    Probably a good idea for me - thank you. Although, I have been trying to be anti-negative on my own. Some days it doesn't work. lol.

    I would normaly read it while on my stationary bike or stair master and when it came to the part about dealing with abuse and all the side effects that can go with it like eating disorders and what not I would be peddeling my heart out and bawling my eyes out at the same time lol, it made me learn to forgive but not forget and when I forgave and let all the hatred and anger go then the weight came off.I also found the courage to stand up for myself like when people would say lose the weight or your hubby is going to cheat on you I had to learn to tell them off, I already had little trust for him I did not need people adding to that stress and stress made me eat lol.
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    Ok I know I might get jumped on for this lol but try reading something like the doctor Phil weight loss book , You don't realize how much emotional baggage can weigh you down and keep you from losing weight and keeping it off, After reading that book I lost the weight and kept it off. I have now decided that I want to shed a bit more and build muscle and I know it will happen because I do not have the negative self talk I had yrs ago, and I don't have the negative self talk simply because I delt with the issues causing it.

    Probably a good idea for me - thank you. Although, I have been trying to be anti-negative on my own. Some days it doesn't work. lol.

    I would normaly read it while on my stationary bike or stair master and when it came to the part about dealing with abuse and all the side effects that can go with it like eating disorders and what not I would be peddeling my heart out and bawling my eyes out at the same time lol, it made me learn to forgive but not forget and when I forgave and let all the hatred and anger go then the weight came off.I also found the courage to stand up for myself like when people would say lose the weight or your hubby is going to cheat on you I had to learn to tell them off, I already had little trust for him I did not need people adding to that stress and stress made me eat lol.

    And to clarify the abuse came from my past and not my hubby lol
  • Sw33tKnees
    Sw33tKnees Posts: 119 Member
    From this......

    Just great! No weight down, clothes are fitting the same. I hate to think I'm stuck in this body - I want change! Where in the hell is it? You know the pants I'm wearing today I used to be able to pull them up over another pair of pants. The seams would bust if I tried that today. I am really wondering if I should just quit MFP and weighing myself once a week. I've done weight loss/weight training before and I DID NOT track my cals or did I weigh myself. It worked in a short 3 months! So MFP and weighing myself is what Im doing different this time, so maybe they are the problem?!?! They sure as hell cause stress that's for sure. At least when I don't do them, I have no idea what's going on and it leaves me stress free for the most part. Should I stay or should I go now? That is the question people?

    I've been working really hard and the weight isn't going down - fine! But there's a bigger deal - my body shape isn't changing either! Clothes are still tight on me. I only have 8lbs to get to prepreg weigh, I understand that my shape still may be different now but GEEZ, were is the progress/results from all this work I've been doing. At least if i can'treach some of goal then I can start to enjoy life again.

    To this.....

    I am NOT quitting or even thinking about quitting my weight loss journey! I am just thinking of ways to revamp it so IT WORKS! And it's not very often I only do 10mins on the ellipical - C'mon - I am smarter than that you know! I do cardio at least 3 times a week for a period of 30min - usually burning around 300cals. I also lift heavy weights 3 times a week (universal gym set, free weights, deadlifts, squats, lunges) I figure my body fat percentage is around 25% which is considered healthy! But I feel that I need to lose the fat on my belly and thighs. I've had diabetes for 20 years so the diabetes is not what's causing this "no weighloss thingy". I think it's just so slow because Im so stressed out about it all the time.

    So here is my decision: I am staying on MFP but I am dropping the group Elegant for Easter because you have to do weekly weigh ins and I am done with that. I am keeping my calories at 1500 and YES somedays I will be going over - is that really gonna stop my weight loss? -some may think so.... I am 5'9" and 148lbs right now. I don't really care what I weigh, I just want to fit into size 28 pants again without my belly hanging over. And I won't be eating more lean meat - its too much money and I don't have it. My protein comes from pbutter, eggs, lean beef, pork chops and occassionally chicken and fish. My fat comes from margarine, cheese and almonds. And there is no way in hell I will eat minimum amounts of fruit - fruit is the best and I love it!

    This body transformation will come and I will be happy with it one day! Hopefully sooner than later - It's been 4 months of hating my pregnant body and another 13 months of hating my postpregnancy body. It's time to love, time to love thy body. lol

    Such an aggressive response! Were you really looking for an answer?