

  • lorcart
    lorcart Posts: 406 Member
    Another shout out for cutting the processed foods and MOVE IT! Just walk..even if it's to the end of the driveway and back. Increase little by little..but MOVE! and eat whole foods, not processed.
  • sizzle74
    sizzle74 Posts: 858 Member
    I'm sorry you are frusterated! I viewed your diary and see room for A LOT of change. The daily candy needs to go. And you need to try to stay more consistant and ADD EXERCISE. :) Good luck on your journey!
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    While obviously almost all of us starting on here could be eating healthier foods, and I'm sure the weight would start melting off if you totally switched your diet to a perfect one, I don't know that that is realistic at this stage of the game and at your weight to all of a sudden go 'whole food crazy'. You can learn along the way. Start by being more consistent with your diet, even if that does mean eating lean cuisines. By more consistent I mean eat all of your calories every day, 3 meals 2-3 snacks, try really hard to not go over to much (we all slip up, just try to be learning as you go along and that will happen less and less often). As you get in the habit of watching what you eat and have better knowledge about what fills you up and satisfies you and what doesn't you start making better decisions and start wanting to eat better etc. You start seeing that it is worth the extra 20 to cook a meal that actually satisfies you, etc.
  • stacylperry
    stacylperry Posts: 66 Member
    :flowerforyou: WOW, a lot of GREAT advice and motivational tips here for you !
    The support on this site is fantastic! :smile:

    YOU deserve a pat on the back, because YOU put yourself out there for the whole site to see, and it seems you were HONEST !
    Good for you, it's a big step to take to make the CHOICE to lose weight, it's another huge step to DO something about weight loss.
    Now you've put yourself out on blast for help... that takes some gutts and some thick skin to accept what people say.
    Good for you, for taking the steps (even if they seem like baby steps to some people) towards change ....
    Good luck to you :happy:
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    As someone who works in the group fitness world....I'm here to say....don't worry about the exercise yet. One thing at a TIME. It's really 85% what you eat. Exercising is great for you and will speed the process, but if you're 400 pounds and hitting the gym/plus eating right feels like a TON...then skip the gym. Yes walking is great....but still....don't even worry about that yet. Just worry about your diet. Nothing I can say that others haven't. 7 cheddar bay biscuits...mini easter eggs every day....you know this. You can't do that and lose weight. Small changes. And if diet coke helps you through the day...have a damn diet coke. You can get to that LATER. Right now for your health RIGHT NOW....just work on eating some more fresh food....baby steps! :flowerforyou:
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    Yeah I haven't excercised yet. Honestly I wanted to lose a little before I do anything with excercise. Just changing my eating should work for a bit.

    I don't feel or see a difference so that's frustrating too. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to give up but I'm just trustrated. I hate trying really hard for something and not seeing it work out. :(

    I saw your diary, you're not eating enough. At minimum a person should eat their body weight * 10 to lose weight.
    400 * 10 = 4,000 calories.

    Since you have a lot of weight to lose you can get a way with a big deficit. I would estimate about 2,500 calories for you.

    I would go up to "Goals" where it says "calories burned through daily activity" multiply that by 0.70 and eat that many calories.

    No. No. No no no. If I ate 3060 calories per day, I wouldn't lose weight. That's maintenance for me. 10 calories per pound is really bad advice.