Panic attack food link???

Just wondering, has anyone heard of a link between the types of food eaten and the triggering of a panic attack? I ask because I have had 2 in the last 24 hrs. and I am wondering what may be causing it. I know I am generally more suceptible when it is my time of the month (which is now), but I am curious as to whether or not food may contribute to the trigger. My first attack occured last night after i got home from work and dove into some tostito's and spinach dip. Today i am at work and polishing off the last of those chips and dip and it happened again. A BIG one tho. I am still shaking and it's been nearly an hour. Any thoughts?


  • TalonaCat
    TalonaCat Posts: 241
    That's actually a really good question. I know that a lot of doctors will recommend a change in diet to help manage different psychological issues, so I can imagine that certain foods are probably more prone to stress you out and vice versa. I'm curious to see what some of the long time MFPers will say about this.
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member
    I absolutely think there is a link. My personal ones were excess caffine or stong coffee, not actually alcohol but the after affects the next day gave me panic attacks. Also i think there is a simerlarity with sugar levels in blood. alot of the symptoms are similar to someone who is glycemic ?spelling? with the rapid heart rate and anxiety. I don't have problems at all anymore as I sorted the root cause but I do believe if you are suseptable then certain foods can trigger the attacks. Hope you are doing ok I used to find them very scary. Hoep you feel better soon