Size Small

Does anyone have strange feelings when ordering a small size burger, or drink or any food item where you have a choice in size? I feel like, "it won't be enough". I cannot explain the feeling, but it it just seems, a person inside of me is pushing me.


  • dowesney
    dowesney Posts: 26 Member
    My strange feeling comes from a financial viewpoint. As in "the large is twice as big but only $0.10 more and has unlimited refills... aren't I just throwing out good money in not getting it?" I've learned to ignore that feeling though. Most of the time. :)
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    That's the reasoning behind my weight gain.

    Think of it this way - if you need more, you can go back and get another one, or something else in addition - or you will know for next time.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I can't remember the last time I ordered a burger at a place where they came in small, medium or large. Usually they just come in 1/3 or 1/2 lb,. It's insane. I'd rather they offered small because I typically either leave some of it on the plate or am miserable after eating it.
  • jnn0409
    jnn0409 Posts: 171 Member
    I've never had the option to order a small burger but when it comes to the fries and drink yes I know the feeling your talking about lol and then I cause myself problems by ordering the medium instead ughhhhh that's why I shouldn't eat out.
  • Cheri_Moves
    Cheri_Moves Posts: 625 Member
    Ahhhh, yes. I know the feeling.

    Its funny you'd mention this because all my life, small's were never an option. It just wasnt, I need more food, or so I thought.

    It was kind of an NSV when I went to Five Guys burgers and fries with my hubby (we rarely eat food like that anymore) and CONTENTLY ordered the small burger... and shared a regular fries with him. Inside I felt victory :bigsmile:

    we have been back since a few times, and no matter what he orders, I CONTENTLY order the small cheeseburger! I totally understand this...
  • NJL13500
    NJL13500 Posts: 433 Member
    I frequently get a kid's meal and order a la carte if it available. Most of the servers know it's for weight control purposes and if they don't who cares. I 've also asked to not have the sides brought out with my meal. I've stopped eating food just because it's there. If it's not good, then I don't eat it. I think to myself "Is this worth the time on the elliptical?". Sometimes yes and sometimes no.

    You shouldn't feel bad about making healthy choices for you. As long as you do it nicely, then you are the boss in a restaurant.

    Good luck!
  • prokomds
    prokomds Posts: 318 Member
    I think it shows how successful marketing has been in the fast food industry... look at how much you get for an extra dollar! Nevermind the fact that the "small" is actually enough food, and eating more in the short term is only going to make you eat more in the long term... look at how much weight you gain for an extra dollar!

    I realized that you're basically paying extra for the privilege to get overweight and unhealthy. What's the upside to that?
  • conorpatmanCHANGED
    conorpatmanCHANGED Posts: 253 Member
    yes :c
  • believe22
    believe22 Posts: 210 Member
    I used to think like that. But I've also noticed that now at fast food places, small is now a lot bigger than it used to be. Its like the medium became a small the large is now a medium and so forth. Ive handed cups back thinking they gave me the next size bigger just to be told, no, thats correct.
  • I know this all to well. *should I get a small, I'll still be hungry and end up eating more anyway?" Yet if I eat slow and drink tons of water and that wouldn't happen. It's all in your head. luckily I can't afford to go out much and I HATE fast food.
  • Sballard418
    Sballard418 Posts: 153 Member
    I had/have the same problem. I always ordered food off a menu that I knew would have enough (it was wwwaaaayyy more than enough) or so I hoped. I don't know to describe the feeling like it's not going to be enough ....maybe it's a reflection on how I view myself like I'm not enough...I don't know I'm glad I"m not the only one who feels this way. I would do it allll the time anywhere I went would get the largest amount of food I could.
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    We all have to learn to be satisfied with an appropriate amount of food! So hard. We've been programming our bodies incorrectly for years, and now. . .

    Sometimes if I wait awhile I feel more satisfied.

    Do you ever wonder just how much you were eating before? I must have been totally out of control!
  • Kennkaru
    Kennkaru Posts: 210 Member
    When I eat fast food nowadays, I'm almost always ordering a kid's meal. It only took one instance of me putting it into my macros to see the benefit of it. This works for me since I typically eat smaller meals more frequently. If it was going to be my only food for half a day or more..or if I was working out, it probably wouldn't be enough.

    A lot of fast food joints make fruit and yogurt parfaits or smoothies now. I tend to find those more appetizing than greasy sandwiches, but I won't lie... once in a while the grease calls to me.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    No. I order food according to how much I need to eat. If I've eaten a lot and will eat more later, I need a small. If I haven't eaten much and might not eat much later, I order a larger size. But, I also order without sauces and extra stuff that bumps the calories up without adding protein or other nutrients. I order a burger, with no fries or drink (except sometimes orange juice for vitamin c to help with iron absorption). I agree with others that when I order at a restaurant it's usually a lot of food and I will take some home for leftovers. I don't feel pressure to order more than I need because I know I am well nourished and not starving.
  • I almost always order the small (single) burger when I go to fast food places... I have learned that I don't have to have that full feeling everytime I eat. It is a HUGE mind over matter situation in the beginning. I have to tell you... a couple weeks ago I ordered a double cheese deluxe at culvers because I hadn't eaten most of the day and we still had a 2 hour drive... and regretted it. I was so full I couldn't finish it. This burger would have been my normal choice before the weight loss.Also, I am not a fry eater typically so all I had was the burger. In time, you will find that same thing will happen to you. Your find yourself not needing the same amount of food and habits will change. Good luck and I know you'll do fine!!
  • Thanks for every ones input, I read each and every reply. Lot's of food for thought. Yes, Small is a good thing!