Stick Together Through "Thick and Thin"

Hey everyone!!! I was browsing some topics and debating whether or not to comment on some posts. Though then I thought... hmmm... I wonder if this whole weight loss thing is new to anyone else here on MFP? Anyway, to be completely honest this isn't easy for me... to lose weight that is. I'm 5 ft 7 in. and weigh 170 lbs. My goal is to get down to 135-140. I really need some support and some help from you guys!!!! I know I can't possibly be the only one who needs some cheering up and advice!!!! Or am I???:embarassed:

P.S. ???Any advice???


  • StarryEyedGirl
    I just joined on Feb. 18th and I have lost 16 pounds already! this site is great and will help you get to your goal. Just log everything you eat and pay attention to how food affect you. I have learned that if I eat fresh fruits and veggies everyday I stay full and full of energy. I also do well when I don't snack out of the pantry...

    read post daily and stay motivated! You can do it!!!
  • sunshine525
    sunshine525 Posts: 18 Member
    You can add me as a friend. We can praise and encourage each other. Do you have friends in real life that would benefit from this site? My friend joined right after I did, and we help each other through this.
  • apetermann
    If you need some help, add me as your friend, I'm ready for it :) I'm fairly new to the site, and though I don't have a lot of weight that I want to lose, it's definitely helped me stay on track to eating healthy and exercising (and that's saying a lot since I've been out of the gym for OVER a year.) There are plenty of people on here that are fighting the same fight, and every one of the that I have encountered has shown nothing but support and encouragement. Also, as Sunshine suggested above, if you've got some friends that you see all the time, maybe you'd want to suggest it to them! My girlfriend at work does it with me, too, and it's definitely helped both of us to be able to discuss it! So cheers to the beginning of your adventure!