Target Heart rate and cardio question

mom020305 Posts: 33
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
I was talking with a friend yesterday and we were talking about cardio and how long I need I to do it. He suggested 30 mins and be sure I stay in my target hear rate. I never do, I always keep it above and then the machine usually switches me into manual mode. He said if I don't work inside my target heart rate I start to burn muscle? Is this true? Is 30 mins of cardio enough? After cardio I then do strength training. Should I strength train then cardio or vice a versa?

Any insight would be great!


  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    If you are consistently above your "target heart rate", there is a good chance your "target heart rate" is set too low. As, for the "burning muscle" part, that is complete nonsense, but it is the current favored "talking point" among muscle heads and brainless personal trainers.

    How long you do cardio, what type, how hard, etc, depend on your current fitness level and program goals.
  • mom020305
    mom020305 Posts: 33
    i usually do the arc trainer for 33 minutes burn 400 calories. I am 32 and my heart rate normally stays in the 175-180 range. I also do classes as well, such as zumba or kickboxing and the classes are 60 mins. I work out 6 days a week and always do cardio. I think I may get a heart rate monitor just to be sure everything is accurate.
  • amarti24
    amarti24 Posts: 19 Member
    Heart rate monitors are worth the investment if you don't have one. My range is between 132 to 162. I learned that if I go over 162 I begin to burn out quicker, my asthma picks up, and I get tired after my workout. I don't always stay within that but if I begin to feel any of the following I look at my HR monitor and I slow down. Just be aware of your body and what it can take. Everyone is different. 30 minutes is enough for the day. If you want to do more feel free but I would stick to at least 30 minutes for a minimum.

    As for weight training do your cardio first. Your body needs to warm up before any strength training. Going into it cold will result in injuries, overuse, etc.
  • mom020305
    mom020305 Posts: 33
    Yes I think I will invest in one. I am also curious how much I burn during a class such as zumba. I never do less than 30 mins of cardio and at least 2 days a week I take a 60 min zumba class.
    I had heard somewhere and cannot remember where that you should do 8 mins of warm up, strength training and then your cardio session and I tried this but had barely any energy left to complete the cardio. I felt like I could not give it my all.
    Thanks for the advice, I think this week I will try to stay with in my range and see what happens!
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Yes I think I will invest in one. I am also curious how much I burn during a class such as zumba. I never do less than 30 mins of cardio and at least 2 days a week I take a 60 min zumba class.
    I had heard somewhere and cannot remember where that you should do 8 mins of warm up, strength training and then your cardio session and I tried this but had barely any energy left to complete the cardio. I felt like I could not give it my all.
    Thanks for the advice, I think this week I will try to stay with in my range and see what happens!

    So much for what you "should" do. In terms of sequencing cardio vs strength, the primary consideration is: which do you want to focus on, and which do you want to do your best with. If it's cardio, do cardio first; if it's strength, do strength first. Sometimes you can do a decent job at both, sometimes you can't. Ignore any other reasons (e.g. doing strength first means you "burn more fat" during cardio).

    Usually I do cardio first for the same reason you describe. Is that the best way? dunno--usually it's the best way -- FOR ME. Not necessarily for anyone else. There have been times when I have done 75 min of cardio followed by a quality strength session that included 1 or 2 PBs for weights lifted.

    Today it didn't work--I did a hard, hard 45 min of cardio, I ended up pooping out about 1/3 through the strength workout because I just didn't have the energy--and that's when I get hurt. Sometimes that happens. Probably tomorrow or Monday, I'll do the opposite--do just 10-20 min of easy cardio as a warm up--and really push the weights hard because that's what I need right now.
  • mom020305
    mom020305 Posts: 33
    I think I am getting too wrapped up in the numbers. I think that is what is driving me crazy. I think I may a may take a week off of counting. I am not going to over indulge. I will still watch my portions and eat healthy, but I think I may need a break!
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    "Should I strength train then cardio or vice a versa?"

    I think this is a personal thing. Personally my legs feels like over-cooked spaghetti when I am done with cardio. I would not be able to properly strength train after cardio. But I don't think it really makes a difference which is done first.
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