Weight Loss Pet Peeves?

For instance, I do not like when people tell me what diet/life style I should be doing. Like I am a low carb chic; so one might say you shouldn’t do low carb that doesn’t work because…… Why? Because it didn’t work for you, well it is working for me. We have to do what works for us or tweak it until it works. So if you are counting carbs or calories do what works for you. Another, don’t lose to much weight you’re going to look sick or you’re obsessed with it now, you better slow down before you hurt yourself. Funny no one had anything to say when I was lying around overdosing on sugar and fat digging my grave with a fork. What are some of your Weight Loss Woes?

Or when you are at that awkward size that your clothes are too big, but it would be stupid to go shopping because in another 10lbs your size will change again.


  • janicesweetness
    well said young lady :drinker: my woe is that im not losing as fast as i would like to.
  • womaniam
    womaniam Posts: 104 Member
    My woe is when people say, "I remember when" you remember what? I remember you never said a mumbling word when you wanted me to have that pizza, wings, etc with you or the worse is when family says WOW Tamikka got big (my response) YOU AIN'T SEEN NOTHING YET. LOL!!
  • sissiluv
    sissiluv Posts: 2,205 Member
    Finding clothes that fit properly is still stupidly difficult, even at 50lbs down.
  • KansasCowgirl
    I hear ya! I had kale chips and a protein smoothie for lunch the other day. Hubby lectured me that I can't starve myself and keep weight off ... Well guess what? Eating cheeseburgers got me here, and that smoothie had everything in it that I needed for lunch (protein powder, yogurt, strawberries, blueberries, pineapple, spinach, tomatoes, carrots, a whole orange....) - so don't lecture me!
  • a778c466
    a778c466 Posts: 141 Member
    I hate the saggy diaper jeans look when you are in between sizes and can't fit in a size smaller.
  • ifaber
    ifaber Posts: 195 Member
    I'm with you tricelive, I hate when people say low carb is bad or try to lump all low/moderate carb eating styles into one category called 'ketosis'. I'm like REALLY? Get educated please because not all low carb plans keep you in nutritional ketosis, and further more not all of them even START there. And you know what, if being in nutritional ketosis was hard for you, try upping your carbs little by little like the Atkins plan actually suggests! Or better yet find another one that may work better. We are all different and the way we metabolize food is different as well as our preferred workout activities.

    And I hate when people will ask you questions about losing weight and then proceed to tell you what they think. I'm like well why are you asking me if you know the answers! You know what, my BIGGEST pet peeve is UNEDUCATED PEOPLE because that's what it all boils down to. People who don't know what they are talking about but try to make it out to be that they know more than you.
  • gfedex
    gfedex Posts: 226 Member
    Health-conscious people making a big deal in front of others about eating something unhealthy. "Oh, I shouldn't be eating this!" "It's so bad for me!" Even my yoga teacher did this yesterday- announced that she wanted to get a strudel at a donut shop, prompting a "Oh, you aren't really! You bad girl!" discussion between her and another class member.

    If you really shouldn't, don't eat if. If you really want it, eat it! It doesn't make you a rebel or a saint.
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    When people ask me whats my secret.

    When people say "Wow, you're going to eat that?" if i have something like a piece of cake at a bday party or something. Yes, i still eat "bad" foods.

    On the flip side, when people say "Oh, just eat it, one day isnt going to hurt you."
  • ripemango
    ripemango Posts: 534 Member
    my pet peeve is how fast you regain but how slowly you lose.
  • WFBspantran
    WFBspantran Posts: 59 Member
    1. Companies who prey on people with advertising that does not tell the whole story. They show pictures of really hot women and guys with perfect bodies holding a tub of protein powder and they insinuate that all you have to do is take the product to get like the fitness models (that's what they are). People!, the models/athletes in the ads are professional and work their butts off... oh, and the photos are photoshopped also.
    2. People who say you look to thin or are losing too much weight when they themselves at 50+ pounds overweight.
    3. People who are into health who try to make others get/eat healthy. Until someone is ready to change, they won't. Trying to guilt them into doing so will usually only result in them eating more/worse.

    I could go on. Great topic!
  • bronnyd
    bronnyd Posts: 278 Member
    When people ask me whats my secret.

    When people say "Wow, you're going to eat that?" if i have something like a piece of cake at a bday party or something. Yes, i still eat "bad" foods.

    On the flip side, when people say "Oh, just eat it, one day isnt going to hurt you."

    Ha ha, yes! Every single one of these drive me batty as well.

    I don't think I have any others...you covered 'em!
  • MallorieGreiner
    MallorieGreiner Posts: 135 Member
    The waiting is hard. haha

    Not being able to eat 15 pizzas, cheeseburgers, pancakes, oreos, Ben and Jerry's, chips, beer, etc. everyday.

    That makes me sad sometimes. lol
  • mizzie1980
    mizzie1980 Posts: 379 Member
    When people (ESPECIALLY people thinner than me!) tell me I'd better stop before I get "too thin". Uh, yeah, I wear a size 14 jeans, large or X-large shirt and am still 15 pounds OVERweight. How on earth could I even be close to too thin?!? And that's really, really rich coming from someone who has to shop in the teen section because the clothes in the adults section aren't small enough. :explode:

    I also hate the people who want to tell me all about the latest diet they heard about. You know, to help me. Ok, I've lost 55 pounds, I don't really need the latest diet fad, I'm doing fine on my own. Thanks. They are typically the ones who want to criticize what I eat also. Leave me alone, I know what I'm doing.

    The people who insist that I'm taking a pill or following some diet (like atkins or south beach). Or the ones who immediately start with all the "reasons" why they can't eat right and exercise. Honestly, I just don't care.

    I also twitch on forums like these when people don't know the difference between lose, loose and loss. But that's a grammar nazi thing.
  • kaee13
    kaee13 Posts: 15
    People who say it's "not a big deal" to eat whatever I want, or that I should give myself a cheat day every week. Um, no. Granted, I didn't get here by eating badly once a week, but I know myself, and I know that it will lead me on a spiral into not counting accurately, trying to fudge numbers, or taking a second day "off", and I know that it's only hurting myself. I know that I have to be diligent right now. I'm only a few weeks back into this, and it's way too early to let myself veer.
  • donaines
    donaines Posts: 10 Member
    Wow mizzie1980, you beat me to it! I was going to post about "lose" vs "loose". I think I see it wrong FAR more often than I see it right and it drives me NUTS! Don't tell me that you want to "loose" a couple more pounds...it makes me think that you're going to let them out of a cage to run away or something.

    Another more personal one: when my boyfriend asks me if I really want to eat that cookie (I've asked him to help give me little reminders from time to time, so the actual helping keep me in check I don't mind) but then he proceeds to eat three or four without blinking, and with maintaining his 30 inch waist and dashing physique. Grrrr.
  • dawningr
    dawningr Posts: 387 Member
    I hate the saggy diaper jeans look when you are in between sizes and can't fit in a size smaller.

    What? You saw me today? :embarassed:
  • mizzie1980
    mizzie1980 Posts: 379 Member
    Don't tell me that you want to "loose" a couple more pounds...it makes me think that you're going to let them out of a cage to run away or something.

    Lol, I like that image. I always think they are trying to shake it off, as in, trying to loosen the pounds.

    Don't you wish you could just let them out of a cage?
  • jzebracki
    jzebracki Posts: 112 Member
    Waiting for your plateaus to be over so that you can FINALLY see a drop because you have been doing EVERYTHING right!!!
  • KansasCowgirl
    I agree 100% When I hear people around me doing this I want to just scream "STFU you crazy Stepford *****es!!" Be real, eat real food, and work it off if you go overboard!
    Health-conscious people making a big deal in front of others about eating something unhealthy. "Oh, I shouldn't be eating this!" "It's so bad for me!" Even my yoga teacher did this yesterday- announced that she wanted to get a strudel at a donut shop, prompting a "Oh, you aren't really! You bad girl!" discussion between her and another class member.

    If you really shouldn't, don't eat if. If you really want it, eat it! It doesn't make you a rebel or a saint.
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    I have had most of the above happen as well. My biggest peeve though was this guy, who was a personal trainer, now 50 pounds to lose gets on here and within two days starts acting like he's the poindexter in the classroom that never got a problem wrong telling everyone about their diaries... He actually had the nerve to question my protein intake as low... I teach health and biology and I don't know all the answers and I was the biggest hypocrite teaching health. My macros are 40% carb/30% fat/30% protein and 1500 +/- 100 calories per day... My blood pressure has gone from 145/95 to 122/82 and I've dropped 128 pounds in seven months... the first of July is when I started this and he's trying to disect my diary and assess me? Really? I told him to remove the beam before he goes looking for motes!