calories against the fats/sugars/carbs???

i am new to this and although i am within my daily calorie intake my summery will say over on some things like the fats/sugars will this effect weight loss??


  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    For me, when I was just dieting, limiting my carb intake was huge. I tried to keep it under 70 per meal (3x a day) with no rollover. But if you're working out it's a little different since your body uses carbs for energy. It's all about balance.
  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    You will get crazy arguments on both sides of this. :) My advice it incorporate what makes since to you AND that you can stick with (doesn't mater how healthy it is for you, if you don't stick to it it won't help!).

    Many in the MFP community feel that MFP calculates the sugars way to low, especially since it does not separate added sugar from natural occurring sugars in fruits, vegetables, and dairy. In my opinion, especially in the beginning when you are just getting used to portion sizes and learning what foods fill you up and just staying around your calorie goal (I say around - who cares if you go over 50 cals - the stress you cause yourself by being that worried is worse for your body then the 50 cals) is enough to get used to without worrying about the micro-nutrients. Obviously to stay in your allotted calories per day AND still feel full and satisfied you dont have much room for added sugars anyways so as you are learning how unsatisfying empty calories are you will naturally reduce your sugars just by calorie counting.

    Fats are needed, and fat doesn't make you fat, mostly you just want to worry about total calories.

    Proteins you should think of the number as a minimum, not a maximum - unless you are adding a lot of protein powders or something it would be really hard to get to much protein in a balanced diet.

    Oh, also the default setting for the carbs/proteins/sugars is not what most people go by - most manually switch it to 40 carbs/30 each of protein/fat.

    Now at some point, as you get closer to your goal weight, or if you hit a major plateau it might be time to re-*kitten* and maybe change your views on sugars/carbs/etc.

    Bottom line, I wouldn't worry about it to much for the first month or so, you have a lot of other stuff to learn and worry about and as you do those will actually work themselves out a little bit.

    REAL bottom line - you are going to get a lot of advice - take it all in and see what makes sense to you and incorporate that. :)

    You got this!!