Top 10 Things I'm Going to do When I Reach my Goal Weight



  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Done most of yours Sarge,,, oh hell yes.
    This seems to be more of a 'gal' thread. But as a real old school guy I will give you my 'Top Ten' list includes....

    1- Fit into the 38" Jeans I've stacked away on the top shelf of my closet (the 36" jeans are just wishfull thinking).
    ((I was there,,, I'm in 32's now. It rox, keep it up, you'll get there))

    2- Mow the grass sans a t-shirt again
    ((Doing that later this week )).

    3-Being at least noticed by gals 20 years my junior (how about at least a second glance?)
    ((Yep, it happens, it's kewl.))

    4-Stare down the teenage punk at the que for movie tickets that takes cuts and tell him ' the end of the line is back there' (and point). He will make his way to the end of the line and otherwise won't do anything.
    ((Yeah, I didn't really have that problem. I never lost the cereal killer look, even when heaview))

    5-Have younger gals note that my arms/shoulders/chest are considerably larger than the guy they are with. Plus my butt is thighter and thighs are bigger....just like the old days.
    ((I don't know what they're 'noting', and I don't care. I'm just glad I'm not invisible anymore))

    6- Have a spring in my step, getting out of my vehicle, getting away from my desk, etc. Probably should have made this number one.
    ((Yep, it feels good to feel good))

    7- Watching the younger guys trying to bench press what I just did
    ((I gym at home. I have caught the teens that use my stuff sometimes suggesting that I just loaded dumbbells up to 50# to impress them, 'cause there's no way he curls that'. I coolly walked up and knocked out a set of 8, then handed one to each kid. No - they didn't one-hand them. :laugh: ))

    8-Watching the younger guys trying to do as many push-ups or leg lifts as I just did
    ((They don't even try))

    9-Having an encounter with an 'ex' and seeing the pretend as to how not seeing how good I look
    ((I don't have an ex, but my current is somewhat pleased)).

    10- Looking down at that scale on Saturday morning (when I do my weigh-ins) and seeing that good number. What a great feeling
    ((I'm not <quite> there, but I'm really close, and really happy))

    I know all of the above sounds conceited but I refuse to apolgize for being confident. It's a guy thing.
    What we're doing requires superhuman discipline. Probably 80% who try it fail. If you're successful you have every right to be please and proud.
  • cbnorris
    cbnorris Posts: 204 Member
    1 - Throw out my current bras / underwear and buy sexier ones
    2 - Run a 1/2 marathon (maybe longer, we'll see when I reach my goal weight)
    3 - Go to my 10 year high school reunion with confidence
    4 - Plan a kick-*kitten* beach trip....
    5 - where I will wear a kick-*kitten* bathing suit
    6- Have a night pulling a "college drunk" and not think about how many calories are in the drinks
    7 - Take plenty of pictures and post them all of facebook, tagged
    8- Encourage others to lose weight and be their support system
    9- Buy expensive high heels that show off my calves
    10 - New work wardrobe
  • jmiller0906
    jmiller0906 Posts: 228 Member
    What a good post! Mine include shopping of course, but I figure with all the money I'm saving on not eating out, it should balance out in the end. :)

    1.) Keep the weight off!
    2.) Make a lifestyle change and continue eating healthy
    3.) Buy new skinny jeans
    4.) & new shoes
    5.) & new tops for work
    6.) & new workout pants
    7.) Buy more Turbo Jam videos to expand my collection and keep my motivated
    8.) Buy the Charmed box set (yes I love this show)
    9.) Have a picture taken with my husband and son by the time he is 1 year
    10.) Be an inspiration to my in-laws who struggle with their weight. If I can do it, so can you!
  • AprilChampion
    AprilChampion Posts: 184 Member
    i tried to answer this but i only have a few)

    1 - wear a bikini
    2 - buy new clothes ( ive had the same clothes for literally 8 years...i need some new ones)
    3 - do a professional boudoir photo shoot ( its kinda like a pin up-y type thing)
    4 - (as a reward ) buy the make up from ***** slap cosmetics that i want.
  • AprilChampion
    AprilChampion Posts: 184 Member
    2) buy lululemon!

    3) buy a ring - so I can have a tangible reminder of my hard work

    1st - whats a lululemon?

    and two, ooooooooooh, i like the ring idea. :) thats cute.
  • kellybones
    kellybones Posts: 281 Member
    lululemon is a website/brand of clothes - supercute yoga-ish clothes...

    My list:
    1.) Buy a digital SLR camera
    2.) Get a tattoo
    3.) Wear real clothes to work instead of just scrubs (I got tired of always having to buy new ones - so I wear scrubs with a drawstring instead)
    4.) Donate my hair to Locks of Love and rock a super cute short 'do
    5.) Break 30 minutes on my 5k (yes, I'm slow)
    6.) Run another half marathon
    7.) Sign up for a full marathon
    8.) Try some of the bike rides out here - with a group where I have to keep up
    9.) Sign up for a sprint triathalon
    10.) Buy more workout clothes! I love workout clothes!
  • trekkiebeth
    trekkiebeth Posts: 172
    My realistic goal weight is 125. My dream weight is 115-119.

    Goal Weight:
    1) Feel more comfortable in my own skin
    2) Look good in cute clothes
    3) Be less shy
    4) Be more confident during sex
    5) Don't hide from cameras
    6) Wear shorts
    7) Wear a moderately sexy costume on Halloween

    Dream weight:
    8) Wear a bikini to the beach
    9) Wear a very sexy costume on Halloween
    10) Be totally comfortable in my skin
  • beccasetsfire
    1. Enroll in a gymnastics class (I just learned they have these for adults and got way too excited! I've almost got my left split back after 10 years without doing gymnastics!)
    2. Actually be able to wear my youth large band t-shirts again (I've missed them so!)
    3. Get my second rib piece (tattoo, my first rib piece is my main picture! Back when I was way skinnier!)
    4. Get my half sleeve done (Tattoo again!)
    5. weigh less then my boyfriend! (even when I was skinnier I've never weighed less them him, he currently weighs close to 160, but he's also 2 inches shorter than me...)
    6. Go back to school for photography
    7. Never ever weigh as much as I did when I started this again!
    8. Go visit my friend in Vegas (She's having a baby in October and I'm gonna be a God Mother, again (my current god son is also my nephew))
    9. Make the boys that didn't date me when they should have jealous (self serving maybe but doesn't mean it doesn't feel great!)
    10. enjoy all the Amusement Parks & Water Parks I want!
  • mrsyatesy
    mrsyatesy Posts: 173
    OK, I like the list idea - makes it more long term for me :noway:

    1) Enjoy getting dressed
    2) Enjoy getting undressed for my husband!
    3) Wear the clothes I like that are hiding in the back of the wardrobe
    4) Get the short hair cut I want but that I need to be slimmer to carry off!
    5) Go to the pool to sunbathe on holiday without being wrapped in towels
    6) Have the energy to do Disney with a 6 and an 8 year old!!
    7) Wear shorts without absolutely hating it
    8) Exercise more because I feel confident enough to do it no matter who I bump in to!
    9) Get rid of the clothes I use as my fallback when nothing else fits nicely
    10) Buy something beautiful to remind me that I made it happen
  • corndog05
    corndog05 Posts: 53
    I love your list. Some of those are on mine too.

    1) get a family portrait taken
    2) walk into any store and buy from the misses OR juniors dept. lol
    3) buy a necklace - to wear everyday that will always remind me of my accomplishment
    4) feel confident
    5) 5k - hopefully will have already completed a few by then
    6) buy all new clothes
    7) maintain, maintain, maintain
    8) be comfortable going to the beach without a coverup
    9) buy a Trek bicycle
    10) show it off!!!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Great list,,, definitely do #9. Heck, don't wait, do #9 right now. They're great, fun and fast and awesome. You'll love riding so much it'll help you get there.
  • sergeant771
    I responded to this thread last March. There has been an 'update'

    I'm now (easily) into 36" jeans. I'm sub 215 pounds. I can do a chin-up again (I have a ways to go towards doing 10 but I'm working on it daily). Have done 50 push-ups, Can actually feel abs including lower ones. Hoo-Ay! Reached my weight loss goal and then some.

    Thank you MFP!

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  • Cassandra1219
    * Get family photos
    * Buy new clothes
    * Go to the beach more often
    * Try to go on more dates with hubby
    * More out door activites with the kiddos
    * more girls nights
    * More Spontaneous sex!!!!
    *Do a breast cancer walk
    *Enjoy Life
    * Maintain my loss