Hello Everyone!

I started my resurrection January 5 2013! I have let my self go since I got married almost 7 years ago. I used to train almost everyday for years of my life as a Martial Artist, and a professional fighter. I got complacent and give up on being in shape. I realized something had to give when I was weighed at the doctors and the scale said 320! It is now Febuary 8 2013 and I weigh 289.4 pounds. I feel fantastic I should hit my goal weight by June - July. I put everything in this app and work out 3-4 times a week doing Cardio on the elliptical machine 45 mins each time raising my level as I lose weight to burn 550-600 calories a time. As I lose weight I plan to increase workouts and level's including strength training. I would have to say most of my success if not all is because of my Calorie counting. Thanks a lot MYFITNESSPAL! :happy:
