How to take measurements properly?



  • JuniperT
    JuniperT Posts: 394 Member
    Here's how I do mine...

    bust- right across the nips

    waist- at the belly button

    hips- at the widest part

    thighs- saddlebags :laugh: right under your bum

    arms- 7 inches from your shoulder

    That's what I was taught as the proper way to do them
  • FitChickCindi
    FitChickCindi Posts: 6 Member
    Personally, I spent a couple of bucks and bought a special measurements tool that you clip in the end of the tape. I always get the same resistance on the tape. It cost me about $6. Worth it for my piece of mind. Here's what I do:

    I take multiple measurements and only 1 side. I don't do my neck - that's a guy thing. And focus on the items that are important to you.

    Upper Arm (biggest part, relaxed but straight out to form a half T)
    Chest (Biggest part, right around the boobs)
    Waist (right at the belly button - it doesn't move so you'll know exactly where the next time)
    Hips (Widest part across the butt)
    Thighs (biggest part)
    Calf (biggest part)
  • Showmm
    Showmm Posts: 406 Member
    Tell me more about this tool Cindi, it sounds useful.

    I use a plastic tailor's measuring tape, not metal carpenter's tape, haha!
  • TriumphantLife
    TriumphantLife Posts: 56 Member
    Thanks for bringing this up.
    RYFBAR Posts: 45
    just the info i was looking for today. Thanks for posting :drinker:
  • duckiec
    duckiec Posts: 241 Member
    Me too, after a seemingly 30DS fail, too. Hoping it was me that failed to measure properly, because that was a lot of hard work for those (lack of) results!
  • hummingbrdhrt
    hummingbrdhrt Posts: 67 Member
    I love that I can do a search and find just the information I need! :) Giving this thread a bump in case anyone else is seeking the best way to do body measurements.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Way I have my waist and abdomen measured is the following:

    I have my significant other actually do the measuring and the reading of the tape so I'm not half bent over trying to read it myself.

    She wraps it around me, gets it cinched so that there is no slack but its not digging into the skin. Then I take in a full breath as large as I can and exhale slowly until the breath is gone after which she takes the measurement.

    She takes measurements around my navel and 4 inches measured above my navel which is where we determined my waist to be.

    I do this in the mornings about once every two weeks.

    I found the measurements this way to be fairly reproducible.