Looking for some friends with close to same goals.

Hey there!!
I am looking to lose 40 some lbs. I say 40 some because I am not sure. I want to be tone not just one weight. I would like to have a little muscles. (well not little muscles I have that now but looking good Jillian Michaels arms but not bodybuilder max arms flat chest) I am 33 and started on mfp 2 weeks and 3 days ago, and have lost 8.6 lbs. already. I am so excited. I am 5'6". Looking for some friends to help each other stay motivated. I am trying to exercise everyday. With the last few days as an exception. Got a bad cold and shin splints from a good run. But went out and at least walked last night and will continue to. I think I am going to start the Jillian 30 day shred today or tomorrow. Ready to lose weight and feel great. Already feel better that I am not having pop or to some people soda. :) Happy Friday! :smile:


  • tiffyrobyn

    My name is Tiffany, and Im 31 years old. I would also LOVE to lose 40 lbs... I weigh 190 now, and Im 5'8. This is the most I have ever weighed in my life, and I so want to get back to where I was 5 years ago! I am getting married in July, so that is extra motivation. Iv been trying half heartedly for a few months now, but I just started finally logging all my calories and workouts with MFP's app. I told myself I would not weigh in again until I had a solid week of "being good". So far, so good. Iv been trying to do some sort of exercise every day for at least 15 minutes (start with small goals!). Iv been to the gym a few times for the bike too this week. I already do feel better, I knew I would, but its so difficult to feel like you are starting all over. I am a nurse, and I work the night shift, and sometimes it is physically impossibly to get to the gym after a 13 hour shift, but Im trying!

    Good luck!
  • judith0622
    judith0622 Posts: 38 Member
    I wish all the best you can do this

  • judith0622
    judith0622 Posts: 38 Member
    I need to lose more than 40 pounds lol
  • Sweet_Innocence2011
    I have a little more to lose than 40 but not too much since right now my first goal is to bet to a healthy bmi which is 37 lbs down. If you want I will try to help
  • sofielein
    sofielein Posts: 539 Member
    Sweet_Innocence: comparing our tickers... seems like we have prettty similar goals :)

    I started with an awful BMI of 30.3 at 175 lb and today I had 26.3 at 153 lb which not that far away from 25, the top of the healthy range. I am already so relieved to be almost "normal" again.