I need friends



  • LadyRoff
    LadyRoff Posts: 56 Member
    you can add me too :)
  • skiersteve12345
    skiersteve12345 Posts: 89 Member
    joined yesterday am logging every day, feel free to add :)
  • Feel free to add, same situation and I log every day with a wide open diary.
    I'm not afraid of food though, so what I eat might not exactly be the healthiest
    I eat way more than 1200 cals, I'm not a protein shake or diet shake person, not a diet soda person etc
  • please feel free to add me
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    I log everything religiously, and just reopened my diary to friends! Feel free to add me. :)
  • Today is my 75th day of logging religiously and my diary is completely open. Anyone, please feel free to add me. ;D
  • dawnlangley74
    dawnlangley74 Posts: 3 Member
    My name is dawn and im a lapsed member but now aiming to log every day please feel free to add me! Need all the help i can get and hopefully help you in return x
  • Feel free to add me too :-)
  • Racquel1
    Racquel1 Posts: 93 Member
    Feel free to add me!
  • auntiemsgr8
    auntiemsgr8 Posts: 483 Member
    Hi Ashley,

    Feel free to add me. With only a couple exceptions, I am on nearly every day. Would be happy to support and encourage you.

  • Feel free to add me :)
  • hockeylover13
    hockeylover13 Posts: 9 Member
    You can add me! :)
  • u may add me..
  • ashleyShades
    ashleyShades Posts: 375 Member
    Hey all...I also need more friends on mfp...I tend to eat fairly well Monday to Thursday but awful on weekends and feel like if I had more friends I'd feel more accountable for what I'm eating knowing people can see it...I'm religious with logging everything haha good or bad...anyways feel free to add me and we can support each other :)

    Ahh.. this is EXACTLY how I am =(
  • You and anyone else are welcome to add me. I've been logging everyday.
  • fatfrost
    fatfrost Posts: 365 Member
    I log religiously. Feel free to add me.
  • You can add me as well.
  • ChunkyMonkey207
    ChunkyMonkey207 Posts: 96 Member
    You can add me..I log everyday..except Saturday :wink: I welcome all new friends.
  • mgpage
    mgpage Posts: 123
    I too was away for a while but I'm back now. You can add me!
  • Joined yesterday...would be happy to be your friend (and I have the same frustration - everything is name brand - can't I just log "Carrots" when I eat the doggone things - does everything need a brand?)