I get intimidated at the gym...



  • Just do what i do, turn up the music zone out and focus! At the gym i go to there are alot more ppl in way better shape than i am but i never let stop me from doing what i have to do. I guess its all about getting to that point where nothing else around you matters.
  • taylorwaylor
    taylorwaylor Posts: 417 Member
    I don't get too intimidated while doing cardio, but when it comes to the weight room its like I just want to run...not because I don't think I'm strong enough to lift some weights...but because everyone in there is either buff or super toned...and I'm...super not ! lol ... I always have it in the back of my mind that people are looking at me and it makes me so uncomfortable. What should I do??? I know I don't need to go pump a bunch of iron...I'm not trying to look like a man....I just want to burn some more calories and firm up my body...

    First of all... Dont go lift like most of the girls do! LIFT HEAVY! You will in no way look like a man unless you devote all your life to being in the gym with an extremely strict diets and roids! :) Message me if your at all interested!

    And just get in the weight room! The only way to gain confidence in there is to just suck it up and go lift! I was the same way, i think most girls were....now i dont even think about being uncomfortable in the weight room! I'm in there more then on cardio stuff... and im usually the only girl lifting heavy :)

    Just work your way into it... Go do those weight machines until you gain more confidence, then move onto the beneficial stuff !

  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    I feel that way, too. Just stay concentrated on yourself. Keep your eyes forward, keep good form and kick some *kitten*. It takes getting used to, and there are still times I kind of have to force myself into the weight room.
  • taylorwaylor
    taylorwaylor Posts: 417 Member
    Ohh and honestly, no one is probably watching you! I realize that every time i leave the gym.... I looked at people and all that stuff, but i wasnt judging or even remember what they were doing! Unless it just looks rediculous or something...then i probably would :)
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    You could always ask the gym to help you through the equipment for the first time and find out what it would cost to have a trainer for the initial two or three times....basically, just long enough to help you set up a pattern of what equipment you'll use so you don't feel intimidated. Once you've done it a few times, the next time on your own won't feel so surprising. I know I just recently started and having someone initially guide me through the routines built my confidence so I don't feel so nervous picking up weights. At least I've got some ideas of what I could be doing in there.
  • tripletmom2004
    tripletmom2004 Posts: 168 Member
    I feel the same way. I am afraid to go to that side of the gym. I have no idea where I would even start!! What exercises to do or anything...but I know I am going to have to someday. I guess I better start googling some reps to do
  • Belinda658
    Belinda658 Posts: 181 Member
  • Don't feel intimidated! Most people, if not all, are there and concentrating hard on their own workout. I never look around and judge people, unless they have terrible form ;) and then I just want to help them... haha! But I don't. I mind my own business! Just go in and pretend to know what you're doing if you don't, nobody knows the difference :)
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    It really doesn't matter if you're intimidated. Not as long as you go anyway. Just go. No one is staring at you. No one cares what you do. So be intimidated. ..but go. Eventually, the intimidation will wear off.

    Just go
  • yiffanarff
    yiffanarff Posts: 123 Member
    Don't get intimidated! Like everyone else said, most likely no one is looking at you, and if they are, a lot of people are really helpful. For example- I've been following the simply shredded ultimate female training program (this is my first week of it). Today, one of the exercises on my circuit was pullups. I did p90x a while back, so I'm kind of used to pullups, but I'm not strong enough to do them on my own, so I always used a chair for support. Well at my gym, the pull up bar is really high, and even after grabbing the biggest stool I could find, I was still basically starting my pullup from a full hang.

    So as I was standing on my stool trying to decide what I could do instead, this awesome (who has obviously been doing this longer than I have) ran over and showed me this cool trick where you basically put your foot in a giant elastic that's attached to the bar, and it takes a bunch of the weight off so you can pull yourself up. She wasn't judge-y about it or anything, just trying to be helpful. She said that's how she did it until she had the strength for unassisted pullups. (Also, it was funny because then a guy came up from behind me and totally thought I was this total bada$$ at first, because he couldn't see the elastic :p )

    Also, you may be surprised how quickly you become comfortable in that area. I was intimidated at first too- but if you have a program to follow it helps with that aimless, wandering feeling. And aside from the pullup story- people probably won't realize that you're new, even if they are looking at you. I had someone ask me to be their spotter for bench presses the other day, and today someone asked me if I was training for some kind of even because I seemed so hardcore.
  • slcostel
    slcostel Posts: 116 Member
    I used to feel that way. I was convinced that some huge guy would come up to me and criticize me about my lifting. Want to know how many times that's happened? Exactly zero. Just get in the zone.

  • Crazy4Healthy
    Crazy4Healthy Posts: 626 Member
    I agree with everyone else, just get in there. Most are not even going to pay attention. Everyone is busy doing their own thing. If you have questions, just ask, you will find most will be willing to assist.
  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member
    Yeah, pay them no mind. Sometimes I get a little self-conscious when the beastlier guys are in there, but then I remind myself that A. They could be sweethearts, and I wouldn't know it. B. If they never came back I wouldn't even notice, so why care what they think? Admittedly though, I'm a bit anti-social offline so I could be on the wrong side of it. Either way...do your thing, and pay the rest no more mind than it takes to extend common courtesy.
  • Thanks guys, I will do that! I guess I should have mentioned that I am on a Marine Corps base and I used to work at the gym as well so I am familiar with the machines :) But starting Monday I'm just gonna walk in there and not give a crap :)
  • Macstraw
    Macstraw Posts: 896 Member
    You definitely shouldn't give a crap - you're there for you, not them. If they're really that buff then they're way into their workout & not paying attention to anyone else. This could be just because they're really focused on their own workout (as you should be) or they're really narcisstic & don't notice anybody else whether they're in the gym or not. Either way, it doesn't matter. Suppose you come across that 1 person who IS watching & judging? Is it anybody you care about? I'm betting not, so don't worry about them. You go do what you feel is best for you to accomplish what you want & don't worry about them. Bring an iPod, lose yourself in your favorite music & have no worries about what anybody else thinks. Do your workout, take care of the machines & nobody will be concerned - if anything they'll be impressed that you are there taking care of yourself - I know I'm impressed by you going there.........
  • charismanoodles
    charismanoodles Posts: 343 Member
    I felt the same way, but after doing it when the gym was quite empty so I could get a hang of the equipment etc, it was so much easier. I suggest going a few times when it's not peak times if possible, so you can sort your routine and you'll be less nervous!