Insanity anyone?

Anyone else out there doing insanity?? I am and have been shedding inches but no weight ...which I've come to terms with. Just wanted to hear from some people to compare results! I'm on day 24.


  • zorreena
    zorreena Posts: 267 Member
    Starting second month on Monday. I've lost quite a few inches and a few pounds. I'm enjoying the journey. Getting ramped up for month two. LET'S GO!!!
  • urglewurgle
    urglewurgle Posts: 224 Member
    I'm on my third round, day 20!

    So far I've lost 21lbs and, when I last measured, 7 inches off my waist! The lb loss has slowed but my muscles are still increasing and the fat melting away! Dig deeper!
  • wednesburywench
    wednesburywench Posts: 1 Member
    Fantastic results! Just started insanity 7 days ago and it lives up to it's name. I'm quite fit already but its tough going. Nothing I ever do makes me lose weight/flabby belly so hoping this will! fingers crossed. Some results online are amazing! day 6 done today, rest day tomorrow. Are you following the diet too? tried it today, i enjoyed eating so often but am hungry post workout now, dinnertime but I dont think it will fill me till bed. Currently doing the 5x300 calorie meals.
  • urglewurgle
    urglewurgle Posts: 224 Member
    Is that the amount of calories it advises you to have?

    I struggle to eat all of mine! I don't eat those meals but just try to stick to the macros.
  • jmccorm_88
    jmccorm_88 Posts: 10 Member
    I agree ...eating enough is the hardest part for me!! Although I'm getting a little better and can tell my metabolism is kicking in because I'm hungry about every 2-3 hrs the past few days ...which is a good thing considering how much I need to eat. I'm suppose to have 2,000 cal/day and I'm lucky if I can choke down 1700.
  • mx2mama
    I've just finished the 4th week and starting " recovery week" on Monday. Will weigh and measure tomorrow, but have lost 3 lbs so far and definitely inches. I can't watch the scale or I'll get frustrated! looking forward to month 2 as I hear people have even more results then.

    Good luck to you all! Glad to hear there's others groaning and sweating their a$$e$ off with Shaun T!