Fitness Is Magic

Hi There!
My name is Heather - I'm 30 and looking for some friends to encourage me in my weight loss journey. I started really working at it December 1st, 2012 when I realized I needed to buy a size 20 jeans and by the end of 2013 I'm hoping to be around a size 12. I've lost around 25 lbs since then (8 since I joined My Fitness Pal).

I work out about 6 days a week (cardio and weight lifting) and eat healthy and I'm hoping the support of the My Fitness Pal community will help me keep on track and meet my goals so I can greet 2014 with a new, healthy body!

As for more about me - I'm a dental assistant, but my true passion is writing and I hope to get published someday. I love animation - especially Disney movies and one of my favorite series right now is MLP: FIM. I also like anime but don't watch as much as I used to. I'm also a Doctor Who fan and I've been watching episodes while I work out on the elliptical.

Nice to meet all of you!


  • amandatrog
    amandatrog Posts: 22 Member
    I have 5 mini MLP figures in front of my tv! Haha. :)
    Doctor Who is an amazing show as well! One of my favorites for sure.

    Good luck with your fitness goals and congrats on what you've already lost!