Dealing with peroneal tendonitis

Afternoon all,

I have only recently started using myfitnesspal and am loving it. I lost about 16lb prior to using it, but hit a plateau for a month. So far i have lost about 6lb in the last month (or at least I will have when i weigh myself on Monday).

A week ago I injured my foot doing a 4 mile hill sprints session. It was tough, and I didn't feel anything at the time, but later that night I had pain on the outer edge and underside of my foot. On Monday, I went to the doctors, and he sent me for some x-rays, which according to the doctor at the hospital were fine.

I can't get back to the doctors until next Friday as they are fully booked. The problem I'm having is I find it difficult to walk. I am hobbling around, with most of the weight on my toes to avoid as little movement and pain as possible. But this tightens up the calf and causes further pain.

I have been cautiously taking ibuprofen, and icing the area 3 times a day. Is there anything else I can do to help relieve pain and swelling? I am avoiding walking when possible, but it's almost impossible to be off my feet completely. I have to walk to work, too.

Oh, and I'm really missing my cardio workouts :(




  • trail_rnr
    trail_rnr Posts: 337 Member
    I had a bout of this a few years back. Once the initial inflammation was under control (about a week, if I recall), I was able to ride a bike as long as I stayed seated (no standing on the pedals). No hammering! Not the best time of year to ride outside in most places but you could use a bike at a gym or put a real bicycle on a trainer.

    Not sure why you are cautious with the ibuprofen (maybe your gut doesn't like it?). Therapeutic dose is 800 mg 3x a day. You can do that for short periods if your gut can handle it. The key is to get that inflammation down.

    Riding the bike kept me sane for the time I couldn't run. Mine healed quickly. I always iced it after riding and slept with it elevated. A compression sock would probably feel good; I didn't even think about that when mine was buggered up.

    Be nice to it for a couple of weeks; it will be worth the patience.
  • dalemckeown
    dalemckeown Posts: 46 Member
    Hi, thanks for the reply.

    Good news that you were still able to cycle. I think i'm a couple of days off that. Might try it in a few days and see how it goes.

    Cautiously taking ibuprofen because i have been taking it for a week now. Doesn't affect my stomach negatively.

    Thanks for the advice, and for giving me a bit of hope!
