What do you eat for brekkie?

Hi there :bigsmile:

I am just looking for ideas on what to have to start the day to be honest getting a bit sick of cereals or toast :grumble:

I switch between Readybrek, Crunchy Nut Cornflakes or Rice Krispies (I don't add sugar on any of them) The odd time I might have toast with some sugar free jam or ham (no butter or marg luckily don't like it)

So basically looking for some new ideas if you would like to share :drinker:




  • xXmimiXx
    xXmimiXx Posts: 564 Member

    I just had rolled oats made with half water half semi skimmed milk with linseed and The Good Food Company Agave Nectar (it's a natural sweetener about 15cals for a tsp) it's filling and yummy and sometimes I add fruit to it!

    Mimi x
  • lonypony
    lonypony Posts: 130 Member
    Fresh fruit, or tin fruit with natural yoghurt for a change. Most days I have the old piece of toast and I must say being Australian, I have vegemite and it is so yummy with slices of tomato on top. Somedays I also poach or scramble an egg and have that on my toast (usually weekends) or there is the old banana smoothie trick. One banana, glass full of milk, some chocolate sauce, wheatgerm and flaxseed oil. Milk doesn't agree with me but I need to sometimes boost my calcium level up, so I suffer the milk.

    Sometimes I swap my meals around too. I rush to work with no breakfast - I will have a wrap or sandwich or a slice of quiche for morning tea (we have lots of sales reps who bring in all sorts of food), then as I may have a large meal at lunch I only have fresh fruit or a salad for tea. All depends on my busy schedule!!!!
  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    Sometimes I raid the refrigerator. Recently, I found a nice piece of BBQed steak and had that with my coffee. I had to watch my protien level for the rest of the day, but that steak was definitely worth it. I wasn't even hungry until lunch, so I had all my snacks later.
  • sazziecee
    sazziecee Posts: 143
    I usually have porridge

    But sometimes will have an English muffin with scrambled egg and mushrooms, mmm

    Hubby eats crumpets so occasionally I will have 2 crumpets, with light cheese spread or something, but find that doesn't keep me full for long

    I love cinnamon and raisin bagels too.

    Special K with apricots and peach is yummy
  • gnastro
    gnastro Posts: 239 Member
    How about greek yogurt with fresh strawberies, or greek yogurt with polander sugar free jelly with fiber and teaspoon of peanut butter. It is really yummy.
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    I like rolled oats with a sprinkle of cinammon and a drizzle of maple syrup. Then I add a splash of skim milk.

    I also like a scrambled egg on whole wheat toast. I put strawberry jelly on the toast first.

    I try to keep my breakfast at or under 300 cals. Then I have a snack, usually an apple or yogurt midmorning. Have a great day!:drinker:
  • aisha11188
    I just ate Flahavans's Easy Oats with Semi Skimmed milk and 0.25 teaspoon of honey mixed in.
    Plus I had 2 dates with 2 almonds in each.

    I usually eat Bran Flakes, Cheerios or Ready Brek though but just because it was the weekend,had plenty of time in the morning.
    Also the weather is getting better and I will probably stop eating my porridge in the morning for a cooler brekfast cereal.
  • molissep
    molissep Posts: 452 Member
    i'm a fan of omlets - egg whites with veggies and some low fat cheese!
  • gottagetitoff
    1/2 cup oatmeal added 1 scoop chocolate protein powder, 1 T peanut butter (all natural) and a little milk...YUM. Especially if you are active, it really holds you!
  • ChellieIrish
    ChellieIrish Posts: 593 Member
    Thanks everyone for sharing :flowerforyou:

    I've seen a lot of yummy ideas :bigsmile: I need to go shopping again I think :wink: This morning I added tinned apricots to my Readybrek and it was quite yummy :love:

    I have a question ... What are "rolled oats" it may be that we call them something different over here :huh:

    Please keep the ideas coming :drinker:
  • bjandlm
    bjandlm Posts: 75
    Good Morning to you! I usually start my day by having kashi "cocoa beach" granola and yoplait light
    yogurt, or I started eating new Thomas "bagel thins", which are only 110 calories and very yummy.
    I also enjoy village hearth light english muffins with "dark chocolate dreams" peanut butter.
    For cold cereals I usually stick to the higher in fiber ones, that still taste good. I also
    enjoy having whole grain frozen waffles once in a while. On sunday's, that is when I prepare
    my homemade blueberry pancakes, my dog "Sandy" really looks forward to having a pancake
    on the weekends. I try to hold my egg consumption to once or twice a week. Variety is always
    good.... enjoy! :smile:
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I like the sandwich thins toasted with an egg, 1/2 a slice of cheese, and 1 piece of turkey bacon. I also eat an apple with it. It's a very filling breakfast.
  • Tamiash
    Tamiash Posts: 106 Member
    I have a question ... What are "rolled oats" it may be that we call them something different over here

    Not the "instant or quick oats" Rolled are less processed. There is a "steel oat" which is even more pure, but very costly. They might be called "Old Fashioned". I hope you can find the better choice.
  • somigliana
    somigliana Posts: 314 Member
    This morning I had a piece of toast spread with laughing cow cheese wedge, topped with a portabello mushroom and a poached egg. Yum :)
  • KoriBarry
    KoriBarry Posts: 28 Member
    I have been having my own version of an english muffin.

    I crack an egg into a bowl, cover the bowl with a papertowl and then place bowl in microwave for 45 seconds.

    While thats cooking I toast an english muffin in the toaster.

    Put a Tablespoon of ketchup on the english muffin when it comes out of toaster.

    GENTLY remove egg from bottom of bowl when done cooking and place on english muffin.

    CHOW DOWN!!!

    Cal: 225
    Carb: 32
    Fat: 7
    Protein: 11

    Sometimes I add a slice of cheese too. Depends on my mood.

    I usually eat this in the mornings I know i'm going to the gym. The egg really helps!! And it keeps me full for a few hours!
  • xoxsandee
    xoxsandee Posts: 14
    Try a breakfast burrito!

    1 Whole Wheat Tortilla
    4 Scrambled Egg Whites
    Some green peppers or other kinds of veggies
    1 slices of Kraft Singles Fat Free Cheese
    2 tbsp of Tostitos All Natural Chunky Salsa

    Put all the ingredients in the tortilla and you have yourself a yummy breakfast burrito!!

    One Serving:
    Calories - 200
    Carbohydrates - 21 grams
    Fat - 3 grams
    Protein - 21 grams

    For a more filling and higher protein breakfast, you could add some meat in your burrito as well.
  • tutujoli
    tutujoli Posts: 104 Member
    Marionberry yogurt with 1 cup multigrain cheerios mixed in. Sweet and crunchy! Yum!


    Veggie omlet


    2 eggs, overeasy, with an english muffin and 2 pieces of bacon (when I'm feeling rebelious! LOL)
  • costil83
    costil83 Posts: 25
    I like the Yoplait Light Very Vanilla yogurt for breakfast. To me, it tastes just like vanilla pudding, and I mix in some fresh strawberries. I LOVE having this for breakfast, and it's quite filling!
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    1/2 cup oatmeal added 1 scoop chocolate protein powder, 1 T peanut butter (all natural) and a little milk...YUM. Especially if you are active, it really holds you!

    Does that really hold you over? cause that's like no food? lol..I would be starving! :laugh: :wink:

    I'm boring, almost the same breakfast everyday, 8 scrambled egg whites with peppers, whole grain 1/2 bagel with peanut butter, a banana, glass of chocolate milk and then I eat a cup of oatmeal with honey..I take in a huge chuck of my calories in the morning..tapering them off by the time dinner time comes around....if you think about it, your breakfast is the meal that counts the most, they are calories that your body is going to burn through first and will set you up for the rest of the day.
  • allykat8
    allykat8 Posts: 237
    Arnold Select Sandwich Thin (Toasted) - 100 calories
    2 Pieces Jimmy Dean Reduced Fat Turkey Bacon (Can microwave for about 1 min 30 seconds) - 50 Calories
    Crystal Farms - All White Liquid Egg Whites 1/4 Cup - 30 Calories

    This makes a delish breakfast sammy :)


    Weight Control Oatmeal mixed with 1 tbsp peanut butter (this is very filling and satisfying)


    Fresh fruit, strawberries, blueberries, melon, etc. topped with 1 pkg greek yogurt