Am I eating enough calories?

I've been on MFP for almost 4 weeks and absolutely love it! I've lost 6lbs so far. 2 weeks ago I started a Barbara Greene workout routine. Days alternate between approx 45 minutes of strength training and the next day 45 mintues of cardio. According to MFP I burn approx 250 calories a day with my routine. I eat 1200 calories a day. Am I supposed to eat the extra calories that I burn off? I'm trying to tone and build a little muscle so I don't want to lose it by not eating enough. I'm losing the weight I want, about 1-1/2 lbs a week so I'm afraid to change anything by eating more.
Any suggestions? I want to make sure I'm doing this right!


  • Danni1585
    Danni1585 Posts: 250 Member
    Eat them back an njoy x
  • WFBspantran
    WFBspantran Posts: 59 Member
    If you are happy with your results on the scale, but more importantly in the mirror, then you are doing fine. Just b/c you decide to try a change in caloric intake does not mean you need to go crazy. Try to add as little as 100 calories per day for a week or two. See how that affects your weight loss and how you feel. Exercise is a ket component to losing weight and building muscle but being healthy looking good is easily 75% diet. Good luck and great job so far! :smile:
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    1200 cals is not enough... unless you are really small.

    You should be netting at least your BMR.
  • Three4MeNHim
    So even if I eat a 200 calories worth of almonds I should be ok? My BMR is 1432.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    You should be netting your BMR... so NETTING that 1432.

    Eat what you need to in order to reach your goals. ENsure you are getting more than enough protein (MORE protein than MFP suggests if you haven't manually changed your goals).
  • harleybabe1979
    I am uncertin about my calories intake as well...MFP states that I should eat 1280 calories per day and I personally don't think that is enough, when I exercise I burn approximately 800-1000 calories....I will eat about 1500 calories per day...wondering how I find out my BMR? and how often do I need to recalulate when losing weight...every 10 pounds?
  • WFBspantran
    WFBspantran Posts: 59 Member
    Use MFP as a guide... don't live and die by it. Try the caloric intake they suggest for a week and see how your weight is and see how you feel. Aim for 1-3 lbs lost per week. If you lose more than that in the first week then up your calories. If you are constantly starving and afraid you will start cheating on your diet then up your calories. Your body is your best sign of your health. How do you feel, how do you look? Hope it helps.
  • Three4MeNHim
    I'm usually hungry, not starving, I can see the changes in my body but don't have a lot of energy. I've been reading a lot and it looks like I should up my calories but I'm nervous that I won't lose weight that way. I'm losing usually 2lbs one week and 1/2 lb the next. I just feel really confused and frustrated!