am i the only one who needs to lose over 100 pounds?



  • ellelit
    ellelit Posts: 806 Member
    i have 126 pounds to go... seems monsterous, but one pound at a time is the best way for me to look at it. :) good luck!
  • BlazinEmerald
    I am currently weighing in at 310 , so you are deffinatley not alone. my goal weight is around the 150 mark so I have 160 lbs to lose. Although we don't want anyone to suffer the pains we do , it is good to see there are others, that you arent the only fat man/woman in the whole world, and we can do it. Good Luck to you all!
  • juleep007
    juleep007 Posts: 12
    I could lose 100 but feel that if I lost 75-80 it would be acceptable. I went through the cancer thing and so did my friend Dawn. It's hard to snap back from that. Just remember you are a survivor and if you can beat cancer you can beat being over weight. I am right here with you sister!!!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    KathyR - sorry this is the first I've seen this post (I think) - reading your initial entry - I was feeling a bit of deja vu....

    After being diagnosed with breast cancer at 34, having bilateral mastectomy, chemo and all those fun steroids, reconstruction, I was so lazy and got to my biggest ever....239 pounds and size 22 pants (actually needing to buy 24s), after 14 mo here on MFP, I've lost 85 pounds and I feel healthier than ever! Don't give up you can do it!