Looking for friends

Hi, I'm 'becca, 59, an empty nester with new onset Diabetes and neuropathy that punishes me if I eat sugars and carbs. (Great incentive) I also am asthmatic, but much improved since I quit smoking all together 2 years ago. (I vape some, but not often, make my own e-juice.) My diary is open and I am looking for other low-carb eaters with open diaries to get some new ideas. I am hoping to lose lots of weight, (always have on a low-carb diet as long as I am not given any steroids). I would love to make a friend or two. I'm an artist - oil painting since I was 13, pastels before that, drawing since I could hold a pencil, some wood carving and sculpting. I bead necklaces (love rocks and gems and am a collector) I am retired from a hospital where I was an NA, billing and ICD9 coder and ER and Trauma Center clerk. My weight was never an issue until after 40 unless I was given steroids (I was given cortisone when I was 8 yrs old for eczema, weighed 160# in the 5th grade) but it is a BIG issue now. Not athletic but love to play in the water and loved walking until I blacked out from asthma exacerbation during wind/sand storm in the desert. Longest walk home of my life, and I spent 10 days in the ICU. Now, I'm scared to go walking alone, more of a phobia, really. Guess I need to get over it.
Anyway, if you wouldn't mind sharing your diary, let me know. 'becca