Tall girl wants to make friends!

Hello everyone! I’m new to MFP and wanting to make friends!

I live in north GA, I am a full time student, 28 yrs old, 5’10, 188lbs and a size 16 pant. I lost weight before and put some back on after starting school 2 years ago. I have an open diary, but I count WW points so the calories don’t always match up. I admit that I do enjoy real world food and it’s not always the best looking diary!

I would love to have a diverse group of friends, those who share my stats, and those who don’t, married or single, kids/no kids etc… I hope to have fun and stay motivated while getting my sexy back!


  • staceyhotmama
    staceyhotmama Posts: 98 Member
    Hello from one tall girl to another :) Im 5' 11.5. Feel free to add me for encouragement and support!