cant eat enough



  • jcloward83
    jcloward83 Posts: 9 Member
    good idea I didnt even think of that thanks
  • aperrigaud
    Eat foods that are high in good fats and calories like; Avocados, nuts and salmon.
  • jcloward83
    jcloward83 Posts: 9 Member
    my problem is I dont eat my full calories and I am still working out buring 300 calories + in my workouts. so then I still have sometimes 500 calories or more to eat.
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    The other day I had net calories -300 and I didn't get any notice I was eating too few calories. I ate enough, but then I burned them off. Is that why?

    You just didn't see it. Because you definitely should have received a notice.
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    I hear this all the time, and I think it's a bunch of baloney. You got fat by eating way more than 1200. It's real frickin easy. A slice of pizza, a cup of fro yo, a peanut butter sandwich, etc. think back to the days that you used to eat 3000 calories a day and eat some of that. I think people are afraid of gaining so they convince themselves that they can't eat enough. It's symptomatic of an eating disorder. Get over it and have a granola bar for christs sake.

    This. I see this kind of post so often on here that I've decided it must be some desperate cry for attention (apart from the very rare case when it is posted by someone trying to put on weight). I just can't seriously believe anyone became overweight without knowing how to eat more than 1200 calories.
  • jcloward83
    jcloward83 Posts: 9 Member
    Peanut butter + spoon

    Oh my favorite.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,092 Member
    I thought that at first too Xiaolongbao - and the question is posted with incredible frequency.

    But then I read a few more posts and realised that many people used to eat 3000 or so caloires a day eating pizza, fries, donuts etc - and now they are eating raw vegies ,fruit, lean meat, boiled eggs and it can be a shock to realise how much you can eat and still be under the calorie limit when eating such different foods.

    Now I know they could just eat a bucket of fries and solve the problem - but I get that they are trying to avoid eating junk and slipping back to bad habits so they dont want to do that, they want a healthy alternative - hence the peanut butter, cheese, avocado, nuts options people suggest.

    Also, no need for the snarky posts - yes this question is asked often - but this site does attract lots of new users and many seem to have this problem initially whislt they adjust to their new way of life.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    The other day I had net calories -300 and I didn't get any notice I was eating too few calories. I ate enough, but then I burned them off. Is that why?

    You just didn't see it. Because you definitely should have received a notice.

    Mfp only yells at you if you consume fewer than 1200 calories. You could net negative a billion and you won't get a message as long as you eat 1200 calories.
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    This thread is new and exciting.
  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    Also, no need for the snarky posts - yes this question is asked often - but this site does attract lots of new users and many seem to have this problem initially whislt they adjust to their new way of life.

    Well you're a kinder person than me. Because if all they really wanted was to find out suggestions of what to eat they could simply google "healthy high calorie foods" and they'd get all the same suggestions that they are getting on here. I really agree with the person I quoted that there's more to it than just genuinely seeking information. And I do think it's somewhat of an enabling culture when people get to feel special for struggling to hit 1200 calories.

    While my reply was possibly a little snarky it really could have been a lot worse, I kept my comments on literacy levels to myself.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,092 Member
    Well, sure, we could probably all google everything - but whole point of a forum is so people can ask such questions on the forum, isnt it?

    And sure, they could google healthy high calorie foods - but they wont know to do that until they know eating healthy high calorie foods is the answer to their question.

    When threads stop being new and exciting or one cant answer without snark, I think its time to skip over those threads - I mean, they are all titled more or less the same thing, you could just not log into them. :happy: