Interesting three days of poor diet and poor exercise...

...and I really don't feel too bad. I skipped the gym yesterday too since my dryer broke and I was trying to fix it.
The rub is, since I ate poor for 3 days and skipped the gym yesterday, when I said to my girlfriend "I'll have to quit eating so poor if I am going to see my abs someday" she replied "Sure, sure, you have said this for 3 years and you never finish anything." :laugh: Plus I gained a pound.

Oh well, so it goes. I'm off to the gym in about an hour. Nothing is a quick fix and I've given myself 9 months to get where I want to be (about 22lb to lose total and get to see my abs) even though some will make it happen in under 6 I just don't see it happening for me in 6 so I've given it 9.