Can you lose weight without running



  • IsleEsme
    IsleEsme Posts: 175 Member
    I peeked at your diary. Your overall cal are ok but you are quite over on your fat grams a lot of days. You may notice a difference in yourself if you try to get your fat grams in line with what it tells you to eat.
  • Minerva624
    Minerva624 Posts: 577 Member
    Only if you want to lose weight faster. Like everyone else has said, proper nutrition and walking is fine for losing weight.
  • Stephiestephs
    Stephiestephs Posts: 132 Member
    Thanks isle, let me take a look
  • Stephiestephs
    Stephiestephs Posts: 132 Member
    I didn't know it had that feature until today!! I did go over my fat intake quite a few days. So maybe watch my fat as well. Is it bad that I go over my protein a lot as well?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,683 Member
    Weight loss happens in the kitchen, fitness happens in the gym. You can totally lose all the weight you want to without doing any exercise at all. Cardio is great for leaning out but you can't out exercise a bad diet.
    Bada bing!!!

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,683 Member
    Why would you not run?
    Why would some not like Zumba?:laugh: OP stated they didn't like to run.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Otter1422
    Otter1422 Posts: 162 Member
    I know lots of fat runners, you CAN run and be fat you just have to eat more. What everyone said here is right you have to get the nutrition right. That being said I am at the end of week 6 on C25K and determined to become a runner.
  • Stephiestephs
    Stephiestephs Posts: 132 Member
    I need to get this food thing down. Usually I lose weight best by avoiding carbs I am scared to eat even one piece of whole grain bread
  • lmc8774
    lmc8774 Posts: 129 Member
    As others have said, you can lose weight without exercising at all depending on your food intake. As far as running, I've done marathons and never had luck losing while training at all. Regarding what Jillian said about running making you skinny, I'm not really a skinny type either. I wish it made me skinny! Running 3 miles you will burn around 100 calories a mile depending on your weight. You can burn those 300 walking, doing Jillian videos, swimming, lifting weights, etc. It doesn't really matter. Find things you like to do and do it.

    Also, I would suggest keeping your food diary up to date too. I looked at a few days and there were two that weren't filled in - so stay consistent with that. A couple bad days a week can ruin weight loss for the week. Not saying that you ate a lot on those days, but do be committed to keeping track daily if it is hard for you to lose weight.

    As far as low carb eating, do what works for you best, but also don't beat yourself up if you have some bread here and there. Like you said, it is hard to maintain that way of eating for life, so some carbs aren't going to hurt your weight loss too much, especially if you are exercising. That's my opinion anyway. Wish you all the luck.
  • IsleEsme
    IsleEsme Posts: 175 Member
    I didn't know it had that feature until today!! I did go over my fat intake quite a few days. So maybe watch my fat as well. Is it bad that I go over my protein a lot as well?

    I know everyone has opinions on this but my opinion is everything in moderation. Your body needs carbs to function just like it needs vitamins and water. I know you lost weight before by not eating carbs but did it last? Did you not eat lots of carbs for a year and did you loose lots of weight that way or did you not eat carbs for 2 months and loose 10 pounds and then nothing? Carbs don't always mean chips and bread. Get a good whole grain pasta and add fresh veggies, a little chicken and a little olive oil. Filling and healthy. A meal like this has pretty much everything you need in it. (again, opinions will vary)

    I used to only watch my calories and fat. Over just the last couple of weeks I've become hyper aware of my sodium and since I cut out so much of it I've noticed a HUGE difference and have lost about 4 pounds in the process. As far as protein as long as it comes from a lean source if you go a little over don't beat yourself up. Lean protein-egg whites, chicken breast, fish/tuna, greek yougart.....are all good sources and low in fat. While things like steak and peanutbutter will give lots of protein they will also give lots of fat and you may want to eat these things in a smaller moderation than the leaner, higher protein options.

    MFP is a huge learning curve. I feel like I learn something new constantly. The whole salt thing has been my latest thing learned. I'm so grateful to this site and I've turned everyone I know to it. I think even if you don't need to loose weight you can always eat better.
  • Stephiestephs
    Stephiestephs Posts: 132 Member
    Yeah eating low carb doesn't last long. I usually eat low carb and then have a cheat meal on Sundays to lose weight. I feel lost because I can't cook right now.
  • red0801
    red0801 Posts: 283 Member
    I can empathize with your hatred for running. After I quit smoking, getting the extra pounds off was a nightmare! I would spend 6 days a wk @ the gym doin 2 sessions a day and get minimal results. Good thing is I learned alot about proper nutrition and getting my body the fuel it needed. Several trainers suggested I run more, and I would try. Every time I would get close to a reasonable distance (approx. 5K) the pain would get so bad in my knees and feet that I would have to stop because I couldn't walk.
    This winter I decided to give running another try. I normally run with a severe heel strike. This creates early fatigue and results in multiple injuries (knee/hip/foot). I have spent time working on my form, while working through Couch 2 5k. I am working to stride so foot lands with a neutral strike (check out new balance neutral strike). It has almost doubled my distance, and helped me find a sense of accomplishment while jogging. I actually registered to run a 10K in June. But lets not forget the reason I started. Since I started jogging in january I am down another 10 lbs.