Running and Sweat Abrasions - Ladies?

Okay so I have been running a TON lately and need some ladies input.
I get these abrasions under my breasts and I am not sure why! They are not rashes since they sting under the shower.
I thought it was due to a loose sports bra, but I purchased a high impact tight sports bra and still get the rashes when I wear them. And then I wonder if it is the way I run? too much jostling up and down?!
I have no clue and wanted to know if there are other ladies out there having the same problem or have any solutions?
My solution so far has been to tape them at the spots where increased friction occurs.... help.


  • thick_to_fit
    what do they look like? are they raised red small bumps?
  • thick_to_fit
    often runners like myself have to wear compression shorts to prevents chafing of thighs some people get it on their nipples and under their arms anywhere that is constantly being rubbed together. I would think maybe that's what is happening and i would try to get a anti chafing stick (looks like small deodrant) it really helps if that's what the problem is
  • cathmaow
    cathmaow Posts: 37 Member
    No bumps...for lack a better word it's an abrasion like below but WAY MILDER and not due to trauma. I have to try this stick out and see if it works :/

  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    A different bra probably will help, but it's difficult to know what will work during running while you're trying it on in a store. Takes some trial and error to find one that gives the right amount of support and doesn't chafe--for me, it's the Moving Comfort Phoebe, but different bras work better for different people.

    Until you find the perfect bra, lube up where you're getting the chafing. Body Glide, chamois cream, Aquaphor, good ol' fashioned Vaseline--any of those should help you. Once you've chafed, diaper cream helps heal (so do some of the chamois creams, like my fave, DZ Nuts Bliss).
  • SloRunner25
    SloRunner25 Posts: 89 Member
    I get irritation in my inner thighs if I don't wear yoga pants, leggings or running tights. I'd say maybe it is the bra? Or maybe the fabric? I'm having issues too with my sports bra. I get a burning sensation at the top of my chest...guess it's not tight enough fit but no abrasions. Hmm.