Okay, seriously, I don't get it.

What is this whole thing about MFP'rs being anti 1200 a day?

The MFP app TOLD me to eat 1200 a day (eating back exercise). Why shouldn't I exactly? How will I lose weight otherwise? I mean, I really don't understand. What am I supposed to be doing then if MFP is wrong?

What SHOULD I aim for and WHY? HOW will it make me lose weight? Is it REALLY a deficit then if I'm eating more than what MFP tells me to?



  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    It's easy. MFP has given you an estimate. It does not work for everyone. A lot of people find they do better bumping up calories.

    Also some people don't realize they should eat back exercise calories and so they have a hard time and wonder what the heck is going on and give 1200 a bad rap.

    Others don't realize they are not as sedentary as they think and that 1200 is supposed to be in addition to calories added from even a slightly active job, housework, childcare, sometimes even things like cooking. So they end up feeling like crap and wonder why and gripe about 1200.

    Young people, especially students wandering all over a campus with a bag of books and especially ones who throw a job on top are going to feel especially deprived on 1200 even if they do no exercise.

    So yeah, I think that is why there is so much hate for it.
  • victoriannsays
    victoriannsays Posts: 568 Member
    When I first came here. I put in MFP that I wanted to lose 2lbs a week - idiot move # 1

    Then, I started eating 1200 calories a day because MFP said so - idiot move # 2

    Also didn't eat back my exercise calories - idiot move # 3

    And put that I was sedentary.. also.. because I was an idiot.

    Until I poked around the forums and started listening to people who were smarter than me about this - I was exhausted and not really losing any weight. So I bumped up my calories by a few hundred and lost some weight.
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    1200 is the MINIMUM mfp suggest. if 1200 is working for you - go for it. there's loads of people on here who think you're going to die of/pile on loads of weight because of 'starvation mode' and become 'skinny fat'. it is healthier in the long run to eat above your BMR but imo 1200 for a quick loss doesn't seem to do any harm and its what most doctors recommend for weight loss too.

    on the other end of the scale people will eat less than 1000 in the hope of achieving a 'thigh gap' :S

    do what works for you - everyone is different and this site is great for looking back to see what's working.
  • wmoomoo
    wmoomoo Posts: 159 Member
    If people net 1200/day, I have no issue with that. It's people who eat under 1200/day, with no medical condition, not understanding how MFP works and are encouraging others to do the same, that's irresponsible. I don't think MFP have people eating under 1200/day and if you log your exercise, your daily calories intake will always go up.
  • I'm just having a hard time figuring out what I'm supposed to do then.

    I'm always still hungry throughout the day. I'd say I'm pretty sedentary though. Yes, I have a job, but it's at a law firm and the most walking I do is walking from the train to my desk and from my desk to my bosses office.

    Yes, I go to school. But, I'm in law school. Again, the most walking I do is from one classroom to another for about a total of 20 feet).

    Yes, I go to the gym. But I DO eat back my calories and I only average about 400 calories a session.

    People say to up my calories, but should I really? I've only lost 3-5 lbs (not sure exactly, I didn't really weigh myself when I ACTUALLY started) but it has also been only a little over a month and I DO have cheat days (once or twice a week, a shame really, but I'm not trying to lose THAT much weight)

    I just keep getting conflicting information and it's doing my head in.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    You have less than 20 pounds to lose. Set MFP to lose .5lb/wk and see how many calories it tells you to eat. Unless you're very short, it's likely to be more than 1200.
  • You have less than 20 pounds to lose. Set MFP to lose .5lb/wk and see how many calories it tells you to eat. Unless you're very short, it's likely to be more than 1200.

    I'm 5'4. Is that considered short? haha
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    When I first came here. I put in MFP that I wanted to lose 2lbs a week - idiot move # 1

    Then, I started eating 1200 calories a day because MFP said so - idiot move # 2

    Also didn't eat back my exercise calories - idiot move # 3

    And put that I was sedentary.. also.. because I was an idiot.

    Until I poked around the forums and started listening to people who were smarter than me about this - I was exhausted and not really losing any weight. So I bumped up my calories by a few hundred and lost some weight.

    Yeah, this, but I did eat my exercise calories.

    I started at 1200 to lose 2# a week. Within a month, I realized the only time I lost 2# in a week was when I had a stomach flu with explosive diarrhea, and that with the amount of weight I had to lose, I couldn't (by the math) lose more than 1.3 pounds a week on 1200 calories. So I thought, "Screw it... if I'm only going to lose one pound a week, I might as well set the damn thing for one pound a week." So I did, and got 1350. When I got within 10 pounds of my goal, I switched it to a half pound a week and got around 1500.

    Let me tell you, it's a lot more gratifying and satisfying to aim to lose one or a half pound a week and lose that one or half pound a week than it was to try to aim for two pounds a week and feel like an utter failure when it didn't happen.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    You have less than 20 pounds to lose. Set MFP to lose .5lb/wk and see how many calories it tells you to eat. Unless you're very short, it's likely to be more than 1200.

    I'm 5'4. Is that considered short? haha

    Did you adjust your numbers? Either use MFP as it's intended, without a more aggressive weight loss goal than is going to work for you, or follow the Road Map link above. Give a change in numbers at least 4 weeks to see if it works.
  • Chibea
    Chibea Posts: 363 Member
    I'm pretty new here myself, so I may be off base, but I am finding that if I get my 5 fruits and veggies, or more, in every day I am not hungry. I think it's the shear volume of the food that helps and the time it takes to digest it. I follow what MFP tells me, and I am losing steadily, but not real fast, which is good:happy:
  • That roadmap thing is telling me I have 38% body fat. I REALLY doubt that.
  • Nvm, I was confusing BMI with body fat%
  • Amy62575
    Amy62575 Posts: 422 Member
    When I first came here. I put in MFP that I wanted to lose 2lbs a week - idiot move # 1

    Then, I started eating 1200 calories a day because MFP said so - idiot move # 2

    Also didn't eat back my exercise calories - idiot move # 3

    And put that I was sedentary.. also.. because I was an idiot.

    Until I poked around the forums and started listening to people who were smarter than me about this - I was exhausted and not really losing any weight. So I bumped up my calories by a few hundred and lost some weight.

    ^^This. All of it. Every last word.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    What are your measurements? I am 5'3", 159 lbs with a body fat reading of approximately 32% (I say approximately, because unless you get an actual fat testing from a doctor then the body fat % is only an estimate)...And to lose 3-5 pounds in the short time you have been on is actually pretty good. I didn't look at your profile, but you say you don't have to lose that much...which would suggest you are probably in the .5 to 1 lb loss catagory which would actually put you on track.

    I am using the road map listed...I started doing the 1200 calorie thing and with in a week of doing that I was fed up...then I found that link...switched it and now feel great!
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    If you eat a good combination of food (stay away from processed crap) then you can eat really well and healthily at 1200 cals a day.

    You can do lots of exercise and eat your cals back.

    I have got to the weight I want to be by doing that. MFP has put my cals up slightly for maintenance and it all works well.

    Even though I eat a varied diet I add supplements of vitamins/calcium etc..but that is my personal choice.

    there is so much information on here and what works for one does not work for the other...I am sure you will find what works for you
  • What are your measurements? I am 5'3", 159 lbs with a body fat reading of approximately 32% (I say approximately, because unless you get an actual fat testing from a doctor then the body fat % is only an estimate)...And to lose 3-5 pounds in the short time you have been on is actually pretty good. I didn't look at your profile, but you say you don't have to lose that much...which would suggest you are probably in the .5 to 1 lb loss catagory which would actually put you on track.

    I am using the road map listed...I started doing the 1200 calorie thing and with in a week of doing that I was fed up...then I found that link...switched it and now feel great!


    as of this morning.

    That thing is telling me to do 1400, so I guess I'll try that. But, I'm not supposed to be eating back calories then, right?

    I should update my TDEE when I lose weight, right?

    How often should I be doing that? To me, it doesn't make sense to keep the same TDEE if you weigh 10 lbs less than you did when you first calculated it.
  • DivaLuvsDisney
    DivaLuvsDisney Posts: 75 Member
    When I first came here. I put in MFP that I wanted to lose 2lbs a week - idiot move # 1

    Then, I started eating 1200 calories a day because MFP said so - idiot move # 2

    Also didn't eat back my exercise calories - idiot move # 3

    And put that I was sedentary.. also.. because I was an idiot.

    Until I poked around the forums and started listening to people who were smarter than me about this - I was exhausted and not really losing any weight. So I bumped up my calories by a few hundred and lost some weight.

    Yeah. What she said. I was one HANGRY MISERABLE person to be around at 1200. All is well now and my husband is speaking to me again :laugh:
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    1200 is the default minimum. MFP wont tell you to eat less than that. You said you wanted to lose 2 lbs a week...thats fast, but MFP won't let you go lower than 1200...so thats where that number came from. You can lose weight eating a lot more than that. Ive lost 43 lbs eating over 1600 plus eating my burned calories....because I didn't insist on doing it at a 2 lb a week pace. Seriously...there is nothing magic about 1200...I don't know why people get all hung up on that one number!